24 Hour Courier Services in Austin: Client | Customer | Consumer

Do you ever get particularly ‘stuck’ on a certain word or phrase? A few months ago I got stuck on the old adage “the proof is in the pudding.” I set out to discover what this old colloquial phrase meant. Perhaps there are only a few like me who get stuck on a word or phrase. But let me tell you – my inquisitive nature regarding phrases and words has made for many great conversations through the years. Don’t believe me? Come over for dinner and I’ll happily debrief you on where “the proof is in the pudding” came from!

Just this morning a few words started floating around my brain: client, consumer, customer.

For someone like me, word choices matter. I’m not ashamed to say out loud that I LOVE words, grammar and writing! That’s why I am the person on Google looking up colloquial phrase meanings in my spare time.

Austin Courier Services

In my quest to unpack client vs. consumer vs. customer – I not only learned about the word breakdowns, I began to ponder how our 24 hour courier services in Austin team as well as our Dallas same day deliveries team manages each of these specific groups. The words have subtle differences, but the differences actually hold substantial meaning in how we engage with each of them – client, customer, consumer. Let’s unpack it together and learn the value of differentiating who we serve and how!

1.       The Client. The client! This is a word we love around the halls of Eagle Express. The word client is often used by service-based businesses – that would be us! We aren’t selling a product, we are offering a service (a time-tested, trustworthy and excellent service might I add). The client is our bullseye. We want happy current clients, interested potential clients and former clients that remember top-notch service even if they don’t need it anymore. We hinge on the client. It drives us to improve constantly – our customer service, our efficiency with deliveries, our technology, the user-friendliness of our website. You see, the client (YOU!) is what moves us!

2.       The Customer. A customer is an individual or company that buys a product or service. Identifying this group even further is possible: potential customers, current customers, past customers. The customer in our case is the person/company that is hiring us for our delivery services. That might be our same day Austin delivery service, our super rush delivery service, our medical delivery service or our scheduled route delivery service. These are our people! Some are brand new to Eagle Express, some have been trusting us for their deliveries for a decade+! And some are potential customers. These are the people considering using us for a delivery. Maybe they found us through a web search, maybe they heard about us from a colleague, maybe they used our services at a company but now they are somewhere new and they want to encourage the new company to make a courier switch. Potential customers are very valuable because they help us learn what people/companies are searching for in relation to deliveries.

3.       The Consumer. Ah, the consumer. This is the end of the line for a product. It is the person who actually uses a sold product/good. Initially, you might think that the consumer doesn’t mean much to us since we are offering a service. Wrong! We interact with consumers ALL OF THE TIME! They just happen to be our clients’ consumers! But my my, they matter to us as if they were our own. Our clients’ clients/customers/consumers are highly valued by our team at Eagle Express. We care about each and every product that gets delivered, from medical devices to paint to manufacturing products and everything in between!

Words matter, don’t they? They especially matter when a company is looking to always improve. That’s Eagle Express delivery service. Choosing us means choosing excellence in every area.



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