4 Signs It’s Time to Break Up With Your Dallas Courier Service

A few weeks ago, our Eagle Express team did you a solid and explained 5 ways to tell if your Dallas Courier Service was “the one”.  True love was in the air- especially if you’re an Eagle Express customer.


But sometimes, relationships go sour. I mean, we’re still reeling from the Jen + Brad breakup. It can be difficult to know when it’s time to call it quits, but sometimes it’s for the best.


If you’re considering a break up with your current courier, here’s how to tell when it’s time.



1- You Can’t Reach Your Delivery Team

Need an urgent delivery in the middle of the night, but can’t reach your Dallas courier service? Unacceptable! Like a devoted partner, you need your delivery service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. At Eagle Express, you won’t even have to call us twice to get through “Do Not Disturb”! When you call our Eagle team, you get a live member of our team 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You’ll never get an answering service, and you definitely won’t reach an annoying phone tree. If you can’t reach your delivery team when you need them, it’s time to break up with your courier.


2- You Have Three Different Couriers for all Your Logistics Needs

Dividing and conquering worked for Rome, but not for logistics. Keeping your logistics processes- from storing, to packing, to final mile deliveries- under one roof is not just beneficial, it’s responsible business. If you have three different couriers in order to meet your differing logistics needs, you need to find a courier that can do it all. If your courier is only handling one specific part of your logistics processes, you need a new, improved, diverse delivery team.


3- The Testimonials and Reviews are Rough

Take all testimonials with a grain of salt, but, like a bad boyfriend, if folks don’t have nice things to say about someone, there is usually a reason. If your current courier’s testimonials and reviews on Google are rough, it might be time to get out of your current courier relationship before it goes sour. Find yourself a courier with glowing reviews and customers who feel like family. That’s how you’ll know your courier will treat you (and your cargo) right.


4-Your Customers are Unhappy

Your logistics partner is an extension of your business. If your customers are unhappy with the experience they receive from your transportation team, it’s time to find a new team. Frequently being late, arriving with damaged goods, or drivers being disheveled are unacceptable in the world of logistics. If your customers aren’t getting top-notch service from your provider, they’re attributing that to your products. Find a courier that represents themselves, and you, with pride.


Is it time to break up with your current courier? We can’t help you make the call, but we can help you make the change. Dallas Courier Service is here for new and returning customers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


You deserve a delivery partnership that treats you with respect, honesty, and professionalism.


We believe here at Dallas Courier that we’re the right fit for your business. We have over 40 years of experience serving industries across the Metroplex and across the country. If you haven’t found the right third party logistics partner, give us a try. Our experts are on hand 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to create a customized logistics plan that meets the specific needs of your business.


So if it’s time to break up with your current courier, kiss ‘em goodbye and say “hello” to five star service, 24/7 availability, and long standing reputation with Eagle Express Dallas Courier.


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