Big Game Bites from The Dallas Food Couriers

It’s that time of year again. The time of year when Cowboys fans begrudgingly go to a Super Bowl party undoubtedly hosted by a fan of a team like the Eagle, the Patriots, or, Lord help us all, the Packers. We put on a fake smile, while, on the inside, we lament over another season of sadness.


But you know what makes it (almost) all better? Food.


As our Dallas food couriers will tell you, food makes things better. Whether we’re delivering the centerpiece cake for a big event, the entire menu for a catered party, or even your favorite gas station sushi (?), food makes it all ok. That’s why we love moving it!


So this Sunday, as you sit in front of the tube, watching two teams play who you, at the very least dislike, but, more likely, despise, you can be comforted by the queso on your plate and the slider in your hands. Because food makes it better.


Chew on these fun food facts about Super Bowl bites from the Dallas Food Couriers :


  • On average, fans will spend $40 each on food.

  • We double our daily consumption of snacks on Super Bowl Sunday.

  • Some of us will consume up to 6,000 calories! On average, it’s about 2,400.

  • The Super Bowl is the second largest food consumption day- second behind Thanksgiving.

  • Chips are a favorite. 99% of us plan to eat them.

  •  11.2 million pounds of potato chips and 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips are purchased.

  • They’ll dip those chips in 8 million pounds of guac.

  • 1 in 7 Americans will purchase takeout. 60% of those takeout orders are pizza.

  • Pizza is one of the top 2 Super Bowl snacks. The other is chicken wings.

  • 1.25 billion chicken wings are eaten. That’s 162.5 million pounds.

  • Over half Americans choose ranch instead of blue cheese.

  •  14 billion hamburgers will be made.

  • 3.8 million pounds of popcorn will be popped.

  • 2.5 million pounds of nuts are eaten.

  • People will spend $2.37 million on soda.

  • We’ll pour enough beer to fill 2,000 Olympic sized pools. That’s 325.5 million gallons.

  • Don’t forget the bacon! 12.5 million pounds of it, that is!

  • Looking for a lighter fare? Will 4 million pounds of pretzels do the trick?

  • The stadium where the Cardinals play, and where the Super Bowl is held this year, sells a 22 inch long hot dog called The Big AZ Dog, topped with chili and cheese.

Lastly, 17 million will call in sick on Super Sick Monday. Could it have been the 12 million pounds of bacon? No one can say for sure, but we can all agree that Super Bowl Sunday is one of the most delicious days of the year…even if you’re a Cowboys fan! In fact, studies show that the losing team’s fans will consume significantly more food than the winning team. That’s because, like we said earlier, food makes everything better!


But your Dallas food courier selection makes all the difference.


You should be able to trust your food delivery professional to move your favorite chicken wings with safe handling, or your (million) cases of beer with care. That’s where Eagle Express comes in. Our Dallas food couriers have safely transported time and temperature sensitive food items for nearly four decades. You can trust us with everything from chips to confectionaries, moving inside DFW and out of town.


When food is the only thing you can count on for Super Bowl Sunday, choose the courier who can guarantee success. Eagle Express is one phone call away at 214-351-5777.


Forget the Eagles, Eagle Express is the winning Dallas Food Courier on Super Bowl Sunday!


10 Things to Do Now that Cowboys’ Football is Over, Delivered by DFW Couriers


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