Dallas Food Distribution is Ready for Super Full Sunday

Unless you’ve been living under a K95 mask, you’re aware that there is a very important event occurring this Sunday. Unfortunately, we can’t use the name of the event.


Due to the ultra litigious nature of the National Football League, we are no longer allowed to say the words that rhyme with Dooper Swole. We also can’t say the name Super Wednesday, when the word Wednesday is replaced with the word Sunday. Are you picking up what I’m putting down?


Since Eagle Express didn’t feel like ponying up $1.2 million for the rights to use the name of the game (we thought that money would be better spent in other places- like ensuring our clients have access to the latest and greatest technology), instead from here on out, we will refer to the Game-That-Must-Not-Be-Named as “Super Full”. Because, as we all know, that is exactly the state we will all be in by the time the game is finished on Sunday.

The Super Full has been kicking off since 1967. In fact, that makes it about 16 years older than your experts at Eagle Express- who have been serving Dallas Fort Worth and beyond for 40 years. In all those years of football watching and serving the Metroplex, we’ve discovered something.

Americans sure do like to eat.

Shockingly, Americans can consume up to 8,083 calories on Super Full Sunday. Which means we chose an appropriate alternate moniker for Sunday’s game. What shouldn’t come as a shock is that Eagle Express delivers just about anything and everything when it comes to Dallas food distribution. Chances are, we had a hand in making your Super Full party delicious! If you want to learn more about our cold transportation, urgent deliveries, and route planning, give us a ring. We’re here all day, every day, even Super Full Sunday, to provide expert advice on some of your most pressing logistics needs.

But if you’re just here for the food, we get that, too. Here are a few fun food facts about one of our favorite food holidays: The Super Full:

  • Folks will chomp 1.25 billion chicken wings.

  • Truckloads of bacon will fry, 12.5 million pounds, to be exact.

  • We’ll crunch 1.2 million pounds of potato chips.

  • 8.2 million pounds of tortilla chips will dip into 8 million pounds of guacamole.

  • 3 million pounds of nuts will crack.

  • 3.8 million pounds of popcorn will pop. That’s enough to fill 13,571,428 large movie theater buckets.

  • 4 million pounds of pretzels will keep us thirsty so…

  • We’ll pour 325.5 million glasses of beer. This would fill an Olympic sized swimming pool 200 times.

  • If you’re dry, you’ll be cashing in on the $2.37 million spent on soda.

  • 10 million pounds of ribs will smear all over our shirts.

  • 48 million Americans will order takeout.

  • 60% of those food deliveries will be pizza.

  • 14 billion burgers will be served. Super Full Sunday is the biggest grilling day of the winter.

  • Antacid sales will increase by 20% on Monday.

  • 1.5 million people will call in sick. But not Dallas Courier!

117 million viewers are expected to chow down on Super Full Sunday.

Who will you be cheering for in between bites? Will it be the newly minted Los Angeles Rams? Or the Bengals who haven’t seen a Super Full in 33 years? Given that the Cowboys aren’t making an appearance this year, our Eagle team will stick to making deliveries.

All weekend long, your Dallas food distribution couriers will be moving time and temperature sensitive foods to your favorite restaurants from their supplies, to convenience stores for easy pick up, and even between states on out of state delivery routes.

If you have an urgent food distribution need, let Eagle Express be your winning delivery team.


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