Dallas Medical Delivery Specialists Support Mental Health Awareness Month

The month of May is upon us. Who would have thought we’d make it this far into 2022 without mentioning a vital tool in Dallas healthcare: mental health awareness. Thankfully the month of May brings our attention to this cause.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month.


The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) uses the month of May to fight the stigma that surrounds mental health and provide support for individuals and families that suffer from mental illness.


If we’re honest with ourselves, we all could use a little self care! Mental health is a vital piece of overall health that is often overlooked. We let work, school, and life issues get in the way of our ability to find joy and peace in the circumstances which we’re facing.


As medical delivery experts, the Dallas Courier team does our part in supporting patients and healthcare providers by transporting patient records, pharmaceuticals, lab specimens, and even office furniture. (Because sitting in a waiting room in a plastic chair is pretty unbearable, isn’t it!?)


We’re also doing our part in the month of May to support the efforts of NAMI to bring awareness to mental health and wellness. This year’s theme is “Together for Mental Health”. In honor of that topic, here are some of the ways our team fights stress- which we know is one trigger for mental health issues.


Here are 10 ways to manage stress, backed by mental health experts:


  • Get exercise- Aim for 150 minutes of moderate exercise per week. Walk the dog, take a bike ride, or swim laps. No matter how you get your sweat on, it’s important for your mental health to do so. Daily exercise naturally releases stress-reducing hormones, as well as improving your overall physical health.


  • Sleep well- Don’t just sleep, sleep well! Many mental illnesses can be triggered by lack of restful sleep. Aim for 7-9 hours, keep your room nice and cool, and get up at the same time every day to support your body’s circadian rhythm.

  • Eat fresh- The Dallas Courier team also ensures you’re staying healthy by delivering fresh foods to your favorite stores and restaurants. Eating a balanced diet of low sugar, whole grains, and real food can help stabilize your mood.

  • Recognize your triggers- Costco on a weekend? Yeah, that’s a trigger! But in all seriousness, take time to evaluate yourself and consider the things that make you feel physically or mentally unsettled. If it’s reasonable to avoid these things, avoid them! If not, consider ways you can cope with these events before you find yourself in the middle of them.

  • Connect with others- These days, we have so many ways to stay in touch. Schedule a phone call, Face Time date, or go see people you love in person. Staying connected can help those struggling with feelings of isolation.

  • Assert yourself- It’s ok to say no. It’s also ok to insist on something. Be assertive when it comes to your needs. You don’t always have to live up to the demands of others.

  • Find alone time- Maybe you don’t have a problem connecting with others. Maybe your issue is not enough time alone. Schedule time in your day to do something that makes you feel good. Read a book, meditate, or watch your favorite TV show alone. Setting time aside for yourself is not selfish, it’s a great strategy for wellness.

  • Avoid drugs and alcohol- An evening drink might seem relaxing, but alcohol and drugs often exacerbate feelings of stress and anxiety.

  • Keep a list- Sometimes all the thoughts rattling around in your head can lead to stress. Keep a To Do list to help organize those thoughts. Don’t forget a Gratitude List, too. This will help you focus on the positives.

  • Get help- The most important tip for Mental Health Awareness Month- get help when you need it. Whether you ask for help from friends, family, a counselor, or even a mental health hotline, asking for help is difficult, but essential to a healthy mind and body.


How do you practice wellness?

The Dallas medical delivery specialists at Dallas Courier encourage you to find time to evaluate your mental health this May.  In fact, we’re here to help you reduce the stress of your daily logistics operations! Contact our team 24/7, and let us carry some of the physical load for you. From scheduled deliveries to on demand transportation, Dallas Courier is here for a stress-free T&L experience.

Contact us today!


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