Eagle Express- The Reliable Couriers For Your Sensitive Cargo in Dallas Fort Worth

Hey Dallas Fort Worth organizations that outsource your logistics!


We’re gonna make this really simple for you: If your courier is available and has the right truck, but isn’t reliable, then you need a new courier.


Reliability shouldn’t be hit or miss. It should be a deal breaker. If your courier is unreliable, they aren’t the right delivery team for your business.


This is true for any cargo, but it’s especially important for your sensitive cargo. Temperature controlled, proprietary, or fragile items require a knowledgeable, expert team in order to move safely and securely.


Is your courier reliable to move your sensitive cargo?


If your courier is Eagle Express, the answer is, “yes!” If your courier is not Eagle Express, it should be. But if you insist on seeking transportation for your sensitive cargo in Dallas Fort Worth from another courier, you’re going to need to find out if they’re reliable enough to earn your business.


Find out if your courier is reliable by asking these important questions:


What are your hours?

Simple. If your courier isn’t available to transport your sensitive cargo in Dallas Fort Worth 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, you need a new courier. Your sensitive cargo can’t wait. You need a courier that won’t make you wait until “normal” business hours. Period.


What tools do you have to successfully transport sensitive cargo in Dallas Fort Worth?

Having the right tools is one of the most important indicators of success when it comes to sensitive cargo. Couriers who move these items need refrigerated vans and trucks, warehousing and fulfillment services, and GPS tracking, among other things. These basic tools allow couriers to store your items, pack your cargo safely, move it to and from the vehicles, and keep it at just the right temperature and location during the drive. Tracking and technology helps us keep you in the loop so you’ll be ready to accept your cargo.


What do other customers say about you?

The internet doesn’t lie! Ok, well sometimes it does. But check out your courier’s Google or Yelp reviews. Folks are brutally honest when they get to hide behind a keyboard. Sure, you might see the occasional disgruntled customer who really has nothing better to do than shift blame to their transportation team, but the overall gist should be happy customers with glowing reviews. If you’re seeing mediocre responses, you’re dealing with a mediocre courier.


Tell me about your insurance policies.

Your courier, whether they’re transporting sensitive cargo or just a few run-of-the-mill parcels, you want to know if your courier is insured and how they’re insured. Believe us when we say that we’ve seen a lot of untrustworthy businesses posing as reliable couriers in DFW. Some organizations will obtain insurance just for the certificate, and then cancel some or all of their policies to cut costs. Others will obtain bare minimum coverage, leaving you out to dry if loss or damage occurs to your cargo.


Ask about your courier’s insurance policies. They should be comprehensive and backed by A-rated providers. They should also be transparent, offering you whatever information you require upon request.



 Don’t make the mistake of partnering with an unreliable courier. Do your research, ask questions, and be certain that you’re handing your sensitive cargo to a courier that can produce success.


Want to know more about Eagle Express? Ask us these questions and more! We believe in transparency and honesty every step of the way. Do some research on our website, or chat with us live on our website.


We’re certain you’ll be satisfied with our fast, secure deliveries. See what our past customers have to say. We hope one day soon you’ll be one of them!


Take the Hassle out of Special Deliveries in Dallas


Eagle Express Delivers Peace of Mind While Transporting Cargo in Dallas