How it Started…How it’s Going For Eagle Express Dallas Courier

You’ve seen the latest social media trend: How it started…how it’s going.


ICYMI, this popular meme shows two photos or clips. One, the “before” version. The other, the “after”. Like a cute puppy, who turns into a slobbering disaster. Or a screen shot of a text exchange between friends and then a photo of their wedding day. It doesn’t always make sense, but, then again, what does on the internet these days?


For us here at Dallas Courier, though, our “how it started…how it’s going” story is a true success.


How it Started

It started way back in 1982. We know. It’s hard to remember forty years ago! It was then that Eagle Express couriers made their very first delivery. We started serving the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex, and we’ve only gotten better since then!


A year later, in 1983, we combined powers with another courier company, and we became twice as good as we used to be. That combined leadership team is still our management. They keep Eagle Express focused on our core competencies of honesty and integrity in all our business actions. Since the beginning, we knew we wanted to be a different type of business. The concept “family owned and operated” meant everything to us, and it still does. Eagle Express started with the intention of being the #1 courier service in Dallas Fort Worth by providing fabulous customer service, intelligent logistics solutions, and a welcoming place for our employees to call home.


How it’s Going

Eagle Express Dallas Courier is still managed by our original team, and we’re still promoting the importance of a family business. Honesty and integrity are still our focal points, now, more than ever given the changing business climate and societal shift.


That doesn’t mean we’ve stayed the same, though.


One of the biggest changes we’ve experienced is our shift towards logistics technology. Like the world around us, we’ve discovered the importance of staying ahead of the technological curve. How it started was hand written manifests and tickets, phone call orders and paper maps. We even had pagers for our drivers!


How it’s going is an advanced system for warehouse management, a brand new app for mobile logistics management, and state of the art GPS and tracking so our team can streamline your delivery and you can watch it move from start to finish.


The Future of Eagle Express

What does the future hold? We can only hope it means continued success for Eagle Express Dallas Courier Service! We hope to serve the Metroplex for decades more. We’ll accomplish that by sticking to what works: quality service and principled actions.


We’ll stay focused on finding creative ways to serve the changing industries. We’ll expand our service area to include more clients moving products out of town, as well as clients who live out of town who’d like to serve customers here in DFW. We’ll stay ahead of the technological curve, keeping up with best practices while continuing to serve using our Eagle Express way of business.


Eagle Express Dallas Courier Service has come a long way since 1982, but our core hasn’t changed.


For nearly forty years, we’ve focused on becoming the #1 logistics provider in Dallas Fort Worth by maintaining our principles of honesty, integrity, and family-run operations. We’ve been blessed to serve for this long, and we can’t wait to see what the next several decades have in store for Eagle Express Dallas Courier Service! Ready to join us? Contact us now at 214-351-5777.


Dallas Same Day Delivery Solutions


Eagle Express Deliveries: From Big Texas Cities to the North Texas Suburbs