How the Eagle Couriers Saved Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the ‘plex,

The winds were icy cold; the electric grid was on flex.

“Third coldest in history!” Proclaimed the news.

Like Elvis said, it gave us the blues.


But up in the North Pole, the place was hoppin’.

The elves were still busy, there was no stoppin’!

Deadlines, route planning, and last minute requests…

I guess that’s why Santa and his helpers are the best.


As break time rolled around, Santa kicked up his feet,

Checked his GPS app, his route to complete.

“Hey Candy!” he called, to his head elf,

“Come give me a hand, this route won’t plan itself!”


Candy came striding, smiling with cheer,

For the best day of the year was oh-so- near .

But when she saw the list, magically growing as they stood,

She had a sinking feeling they couldn’t get to all the “Good”.


By some miracle, the “nice” list was twice the size of before,

(Or, perhaps, we’re conditioned to ignore a lot more).

No matter the reason, the result was right there:

There were several nights’ worth of flying through the air.


“Santa”, Candy gulped, as she showed him the route,

“I don’t think we’ll make it,” she said with doubt,   

“There are thousands more children who are counting on you.

We need more than one night! More than two!”


Santa looked downcast, Candy was right.

The list was too long for one night’s worth of flight.

Sure, the North Pole was a magical joint,

But Santa wasn’t Jesus with miracles to appoint!


“Christmas Cookies!” cursed Santa, as Candy’s cheeks grew red.

(The Big Man reserves foul words for after the elves are in bed.)

“What will we do!? The world needs us this year!

In the last five years, we’ve lost Christmas cheer.


First there was Covid, but we won’t get into that.

Just be thankful Czar Fauci hung up his hat.

Now there’s inflation, with markups-a-many!

Who can afford gifts that don’t come down a chimney?


Candy, I’m sorry to say, we can’t do this alone,

But I have an idea, hand me that phone!”

Santa punched in some numbers, 10 to be exact,

Then crossed his jolly fingers that phone lines were in tact.


Santa had heard of the arctic blast in the South.

You know how fast travels word of mouth!

The Texans were moaning ‘bout the frosty air,

‘Cause it just doesn’t get that cold down there!


But, just three rings later, to Santa’s great delight,

The dispatch team answered: “Merry Christmas Night!

This is Eagle Express, how can we help?”

Santa knew about those reviews on Yelp!


He knew Eagle Express moved cargo 24/7.

That kind of assurance was a gift from heaven.

With time running out, the clock with mere hours,

He knew success would require combined powers.


He sent a sleigh full of gifts to the couriers by magic,

Outsourcing the deliveries based on common geographic.

While Santa will get credit for the gifts under the tree,

The North Pole will know teamwork was key.


With temp controlled vans, Eagle couriers set out.

Their reviews were five star, it left little doubt.

Santa knew he could trust the team from Big D,

To deliver the gifts for those who sat on his knee.


With a little magic, some teamwork, and experienced pros,

Santa and the Eagle Couriers brought Christmas to those.

The moral of this Yule tale is simple, you see:

This season isn’t about “you” or “them”, but “we”.


Togetherness, joy, and celebrations abound!

Jesus was born. A King was crowned!

Set aside yourself. Give, not receive.

In that kind of Christmas we believe.


So make this season merry and bright,

The reason for the season is Jesus, amiright?!

Love one another. Be generous. Be kind.

And, of course, if you find yourself in a bind,

The Eagle Couriers are here to answer your call,


Happy Holidays, and Merry Christmas to All!


2023 + Eagle Express Delivery Service Dallas = match made in heaven


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