Same Day Courier Dallas: Industry Awareness - peak delivery surcharges

We may be your local Dallas courier service, but we keep a critical and watchful eye on the logistics industry at large. Just because we live local and serve local doesn’t mean we keep our vision local! Why? The worldwide logistics industry impacts us and therefore, it impacts our clients. Because client satisfaction is always top of our goal list, we stay in-the-know on all logistics industry happenings that may have an impact on who and how we serve.

Enter: peak delivery surcharges.

This is a current rumbling in the logistics industry and something that many are closely watching. Why? It impacts shipping costs. And when shipping costs are impacted, bottom lines are impacted. When bottom lines are impacted, people are impacted. And. It. Matters.

So what exactly is going on?

It’s quite simple. The major carriers are adding peak delivery surcharges per package starting in October and continuing through January. UPS is slightly higher than FedEx. The impacted customers are high-volume, those delivering to more than 20,000 residential customers per week. With those numbers, peak volume rate changes of a nickel and in some cases a dime really adds up!

There is pain at the delivery pump, my friends. And that’s why it pays to have local relationships. You may not have a need for 20,000 packages per week. You may not have a need for 1,000 packages a week. Maybe you need 50 deliveries per week. Maybe you need 10. Whatever your need, stop and consider the savings that come from choosing Eagle Express same day courier Dallas.

We aren’t tied to the same issues as the worldwide leaders. We don’t willy-nilly add peak holiday delivery surcharges. Instead, we meet with you personally, get to know your specific delivery needs and tailor a logistics plan to you. No surprise surcharges, no gimmicks, no added nickels and dimes.

Whether you need us at random or need weekly or daily route deliveries in Dallas and DFW, we are your trusted source for logistics solutions. We handle on demand same day deliveries in Dallas as well as scheduled route deliveries in Dallas.

We have 40+ years of logistics expertise, and we have always stayed on the cutting edge of the industry. We are local, we are seasoned, we are trained, we are trustworthy. Give us a call today and see how local can work in your favor!


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