Merch Logistics March Madness? You Need a DFW Scheduled Courier
Services Kayla Palesky Services Kayla Palesky

Merch Logistics March Madness? You Need a DFW Scheduled Courier

You don’t need us to tell you March is a pivotal time for retailers. Winter is on the way out, and Spring is just around the corner. In Texas, of course, the change of seasons means nothing, other than we might need to clear out the garage to find space for our cars during freakishly large hailstorms. For retailers, though, seasonal merchandise is on the move!

It’s time to ask yourself: Is your merch logistics madness or under control?

If your warehouse or store floor looks more like a busted up first round bracket of a newbie than the neat and tidy predictions board of Sports Center, it’s time for a DFW scheduled courier.

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