The 4 Biggest Trends Affecting Transportation and Logistics in DFW

They say if you wait long enough, trends are cyclical, and the things that were once popular will come back into style. Case in point: fanny packs….
I’ll just leave that one right there.
While this generality is accurate, when it comes to trends in transportation and logistics, we don’t tend to see concepts from decades ago coming back into style. Because who would want to go back to faxing delivery requests or carbon copy invoices? Rather, with transportation and logistics in DFW, it’s out with the old and in with the new, and then out with the new and in with the even newer.
The past several years have created big changes for businesses, and, as a result, their transportation and logistics services.
What would Eagle Express consider the biggest trends affecting T&L operations in DFW?
We’re glad you asked!
Just a decade ago, the nation was presented with the first ever iPhone. Admit it! You thought it was silly and unnecessary. Now you likely have one in your pocket, or even in your hand as you’re reading this Eagle Express blog. At this point, 81% of Americans own a smart phone. That type of technology at our fingertips has allowed us to schedule deliveries, track items out for delivery, and guide drivers around the perils of Metroplex construction that slow down deliveries. Inventory software assures that you have the right products you need at the right time, temperature control technology keeps refrigerated and frozen goods at a specific temperature through the duration of travel, and electronic logs ensure that drivers are adhering to federal standards for work hours. These are just a few of the ways technology has affected transportation and logistics sin DFW and throughout the country.
As we know, though, transportation and logistics isn’t limited to DFW, or even to America. Globalization is our second major trend that affects T&L operations. We’re more connected internationally than we have ever been before. Our everyday goods are imported and exported to and from America, and then transported to locations locally for consumers to pick up at will. Fulfilling these shipments is a task often left to a local courier like Eagle Express. Thankfully, our organization is located near two international airports, one of them being the fourth largest airport in the country. Frequent transportation of air cargo shipments to and from DFW and places around the world is a testament to just how global T&L operations are these days.
E Commerce
Online shopping has taken over. This year, for the first time in history, online sales surpassed general sales at brick and mortar stores. The future of commerce is digital, and T&L operators have to be ready to handle the fulfillment operations of these items. The race to move items faster and cheaper is disrupting the way transportation professionals have done business for decades. This disruption is largely due to the boom in eCommerce.
Customer Care
As it should be, customer care is also on trend for T&L operations. Knowing what customers want and need is one of our most important tasks here at Eagle Express. What we’ve learned these past few years is this: customers demand their items, like, yesterday. In this fast paced, and on-the-move climate, customers don’t have time to wait. They want their items immediately, and they don’t want to have to pay too much for the quick handling. This presents a problem for an honest and fair courier like Eagle Express. We want to care for our customers, but we also want to care for our team members. We believe that we’ve found a great combination to meet the needs of both internal and external customers. Here at Eagle Express, you’ll find fast shipping but not free shipping. You’ll find that your items are hand delivered by a trained, uniformed professional (not Joe Schmoe who was closest in proximity to you on your app). We believe you’ll be satisfied with our service, and you’ll receive your items on time, in great condition.
Keeping up with the changing times can be a challenge for providers of transportation and logistics in DFW. But if we’ve learned one thing from serving the DFW Metroplex, it’s that if you remain stagnant, you get left behind. Eagle Express has been proudly serving our customers for nearly 40 years. In that time, though, there’s really only one thing that’s stayed the same: our commitment to our core values.
As the times change, our focus on honesty and integrity in all of our operations has not.
Ready to see how Eagle Express can serve you? Contact us here on our website or call us at 214-351-5777 to get started.