The Best Courier Service in Dallas: How We Know


Those two words pack a lot of punch, don’t they? Whether you’re looking for the best, striving to be the best or hoping for the best, you know that THE BEST is often like finding a needle in a haystack. You have to weed through many options, test the waters, sometimes experience let down or frustration – all to arrive at THE BEST.

When I think of the best, I am reminded of the scene in the now cult-classic, Elf. Buddy is walking the streets of New York City, and he sees a neon sign outside of a small shop. It reads “World’s Best Cup of Coffee.” Naïve Buddy bursts into the coffee shop and exclaims, “You did it!! Congratulations! World’s best cup of coffee. Great job everybody!”

Best Courier Company Dallas

This scene is hysterical for a number of reasons… the neon sign proclaiming “world’s best” is sadly lit – far from invoking a sense of ‘best.’ When Buddy enters the shop, it is lifeless in color, the workers look far from happy to be there and not one person actually believes the ‘best cup of coffee’ line hanging so boldly in the window.

If we peel back the layers a bit, we find that the reason the coffee shop scene is so funny to the audience is that we all know that self-proposed labels of being “the best” are often so far from it it is laughable!

Anyone can slap the word ‘best’ on a website, on a billboard on a social media post. But actually being labeled the best by someone else – that’s what really means something.

For more than 40 years, we have been serving clients throughout Dallas/Fort Worth and beyond. In those 40 years, we have developed loyalty that runs deep. This loyalty spans the many industries we serve. Our medical deliveries Dallas, food deliveries Dallas, refrigerated deliveries Dallas, manufacturing deliveries Dallas and so many more have repeat customers because they have experienced our very best with every pick-up, every drop-off and every interaction.

How do I know clients are happy? I don’t just throw a neon sign up in our window claiming “happy clients here!” I have proof from the clients themselves! Here are just a few pieces of feedback we have gotten in the past week alone:

“When we do events in Dallas, you will be our only courier service. Outstanding job!” -Event Client

“You all are a pleasure to work with!” – Automotive Client

“Thank you!” – Consulting Client

Clients write us emails like this all of the time. Why? Because they experienced quality service, start to finish. They are our best billboard. They represent friendly couriers, excellent customer service, user-friendly technology like our website and app, safe and secure deliveries, wide ranging service options like same day couriers and route couriers – try out Eagle Express and see why we are the go-to and the best courier service in Dallas Fort Worth to so many clients of all shapes and sizes!


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