The Night Before Christmas Logistics

‘Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the house,

All the creatures were whirring and running about.

As one does ‘round the holidays in 2023,

Folks had things to do and places to be!


The holidays get busier with each passing year,

As we run from fete to fete, both far and near.

Office gatherings, neighborhood parties, Theme Days a-plenty.

Something called a “progressive dinner” happening on 12/20.


Santa stood from his balcony above the workshop below,

Watching elves franticly scramble about to and fro.

He sipped his cocoa at a leisurely pace,

Saddened by the normalized rat race.


All of a sudden, bursting through the door,

Came Santa’s head elf- Penelope JellyJollyMore.

“Santa!” Penny breathed in a fresh throw of panic,

“We have mere hours left before the magic

Of Christmas morning descends on good girls and boys.

We still have to transport bikes, dolls, and toys.”


“Slow. Down.” Gestured the jolly Saint Nick.

He sat Penny down; offered a peppermint stick.

“No need to set off the alarm bells, dear Penny.

Christmas morning awaits, but, as always, we’re ready.”


“No!” cried Penny, “We aren’t, Santa! You’ll see!

The gifts for Johnny are not yet under the tree.

The dolly for Sarah is still bald as a bean.

The Nintendo Switch for James, nowhere to be seen.”


“The list has been checked- not twice, but just once.

Rudolph’s not back from the long weekend, that dunce!

The sleigh isn’t packed. The boxes don’t have bows.

The elves have no pep left in their pointy toes.”


“Santa, time’s ticking. If we don’t do something drastic,

Christmas morning will be anything but fantastic.”

Penny flopped into Santa’s red velvet chair,

Tears spilled from her eyes, glitter smeared everywhere.


“There, there.” The wise old gent patted her back.

“All feels lost, but we’re right on track.

As you busied yourself with last minute plans,

I put our Christmas logistics in capable hands. “


“Last week I called our friends at Eagle Express,

I scheduled a pick up, and let go of the stress.

With all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season,

I knew if I didn’t outsource, I’d forget the real reason.”


“We race and we run, from one place to the next,

But we forget to stand still and remember the text.”

‘Glory to God in the highest, peace on earth, good will toward men.’

The promise is great, starting in Luke chapter 2, verse 10.”


“I called in the heroes of delivery, you see.

The Eagle couriers put me on the books for three.

They’re coming for a pick up, easy and fast.

Scheduled deliveries go from first to last.”


“Every stop on the list, it’s been run through AI.

A computer’s created the route that they’ll fly.

We can track them the entire way- from start ‘til end.

They’re the delivery service Texans’ recommend.”


“So take a breath, dear Penny, and refocus your gaze.

Don’t let the stress overtake your holidays.

Hold family close, bask in peace of the Gift,

That God’s one true Son came to cover the rift.”


“It’s truly the greatest gift of them all,

If we would settle down and just recall,

That Christmas wasn’t meant to do every last thing.

Instead, find joy that a simple interaction can bring.”


“Be kind. Love first. Put others ahead.

Find meaning in togetherness. Live like Jesus, instead.”

With that declaration, Penny found joy.

She and the elves wrapped up their last toys.


The Eagle Couriers came and packaged it all,

They’re experienced in safe handling during the haul.

They followed the manifest, from darkness ‘til first light.

Hitting every stop as planned, getting it all just right.


The elves tracked their route each step of the way,

From Johnny to Sarah, even James before day.

Grateful for the extra time and reduces stress.

December’s the best time for Eagle Express!


Need a little time to find your Christmas spirit?

Call with your delivery needs, we’d love to hear it.

Eagle Express is here all evening long,

Making sure to right last minute logistics wrongs.


We hope you find peace, joy, and love this season.

Don’t go so fast you forget the true reason.

“Unto us a Child is born, to us a Savior is given!”

Merry Christmas Eagle’s scheduled deliveries division!


Say Hello to Eagle Express Austin!


Same Day Couriers DFW: ‘Tis the Season