These Dallas Courier Services Aren’t Just Good, They’re Scary Good!

North Texans, we’ve made it. We’re beginning to see the season change. The morning air has us feeling an odd sensation formerly known as “cool”. In fact, it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas! (Depending on where you shop, of course!)


But first we have to get through Halloween.


Truly, this “holiday” is a burden for everyone. Parents of small children have to procure a costume that is much too expensive and will likely be worn for approximately three “houses”. Parents of teens have to be concerned with the lack of costume that seems to have made its way mainstream. And those who aren’t parents have to purchase candy and man their front door all evening for fear of being “that house” in the neighborhood. (Bah humbug.)


Once we get through October 31st it’s officially Christmas!


Err…Thanksgiving! We meant Thanksgiving!


Yes, the true holidays kick off November 1st, but, for now, we’ll make the most of the Halloween puns and catchy titles.


Here are four Dallas Courier services that aren’t just good…they’re scary good! Could you use these in your spooktacular business?


1) Urgent Transportation Requests-

Urgent transportation by Eagle Express is scary fast! Our couriers are available to clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week- even if you aren’t a current customer. We’ll answer the phone no matter what time you call. Our urgent deliveries range from overnight services to sub-hour services, delivered in as little as 45 minutes with the right conditions.


2) Warehousing and Fulfillment-

When you think of a courier, you might only think of what happens behind the wheel. That’s important stuff, of course, but it’s not the whole picture. One of the best services that we offer here at Eagle Express happens behind the scenes. Warehousing and fulfillment takes some complex, tangled processes, and makes them scary easy for clients to manage. With state of the art inventory management software, FDA certified storage space, and on site warehouse space, your storage and fulfillment processes went from a corn maze to a straight shot to success.


3) Scheduled Routes-

If you haven’t yet experienced the joy that is a scheduled delivery route, it’s time! Getting your routes and deliveries on the books is the best way to reduce stress and ensure a successful delivery happens every time. With just a few pieces of information, you can get your frequent deliveries on the Eagle Express books. Then you can sit back and watch the magic happen! You can count on your deliveries to arrive on time, every time, until you make changes to that delivery schedule. Not only are scheduled routes convenient and time saving, they’re also a great idea for your bottom line. Prescheduled deliveries are the most cost effective form of logistics management. With Eagle Express’s fair prices and stellar service, it will be an investment that’s well worth it.



4) Final Mile Services-

The last scary-good service are final mile deliveries. As your business may already know, the final mile is actually the most terrifying of the links in the supply chain. While it’s arguably the most important segment, it often is riddled with costs and room for error. Don’t go at it alone! (After all, we know how going it alone ends in horror films!) Eagle Express final mile services get your cargo into the hands of your waiting customers with care. Whether commercial or residential, the Eagle Couriers arrive on time and make a great first impression. You can’t leave the final mile to chance- leave it to Eagle Express!


Dallas courier services are scary good when you have the right partner- like Eagle Express!


With over 40 years of service in the DFW logistics industry and 24/7 service, we have the right courier available at the right time for your T&L needs. Don’t get spooked- get started TODAY by calling 214-351-5777.


Secrets to a Successful Final Mile Delivery


Yes, You Need a Courier in Dallas