What is a Dedicated Dallas Courier Service?

At Eagle Express, you could say we have several “claims to fame”. We’re Dallas’ dependable delivery service. We’re true 24/7 operators. We’re also coast to coast carriers. What’s more, we’re dedicated couriers.


What does it mean to be a dedicated Dallas courier service? That answer is two-fold.


Dedicated To The Mission Of Successful Deliveries

When we say we’re dedicated, we mean we’re committed to successful deliveries. Whether we’re moving a giant ice sculpture into the middle of the desert, moving dessert for a catered wedding of 500, or one single envelope that’s priceless to the client, we’re dedicated to the mission. At Eagle Express, every client is treated like family. Our first time customers, our long time clients, and our one-off deliveries are all treated with the care and respect that they deserve. Because when you hire a courier, your cargo is invaluable to you. We want to treat it that was, as well.

As for what defines success, that’s defined before we ever pick up the delivery. You let us know what you need moved, where you want it to go, how fast it needs to get there, and whether or not it needs some TLC along the way. We’ll know we’re successful because your delivery will arrive on time, with all conditions met. We’re confident in our abilities to provide successful deliveries 100% of the time. Check out what our past clients have to say about their experiences with Eagle Express couriers here on our testimonial page.


Dedicated Cargo Carriers

As you surely know, the term “dedicated” has different meanings. Not only does it mean we’re committed to the delivery, it means your delivery is our only delivery. We’re your dedicated courier from start to finish. When you hire Eagle Express for your in town or out of town delivery, we’ll handle it from start to finish. No hand offs. No consolidation. No stopping for another pick up or drop off. Your dedicated courier is an Eagle Express representitive that has been hand selected, trained, and equipped to handle your delivery as you request.

Why do we offer only dedicated deliveries? Because it just makes the experience better. Fewer handoffs means less room for error. Sensitive cargo risks damage when it’s manipulated too often. Instead, Eagle Express will expertly pack your cargo and move it to its final destination in a streamlined and expeditious manner. Dedicated deliveries also means a short chain of responsibility. If an unforeseen event were to occur in transit, your cargo is covered by responsible insurance policies that are carried by Eagle Express that protect the drivers, vehicles, and your items. We’re prepared to make reparations quickly should an unforeseen event occur in transit.

Dedicated to the mission, dedicated to your cargo, dedicated to the relationship with our clients.

For over 40 years, Eagle Express Dallas Courier Services has been the #1 provider of dedicated deliveries in Dallas Fort Worth…and beyond! It’s been our pleasure to serve clients across dozens of industries from coast to coast in the United States. If you’re looking for a dedicated courier service to care for your cargo, give us a call. We offer scheduled deliveries, super urgent transportation, and warehousing services for clients across the US, and outside of North America.

Ready to get started on your next dedicated Dallas Courier Service? Don’t wait! Call us at 214-351-5777 for deliveries within the hour.


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