5 Ways to Tell Your Dallas Courier Service is The One

It’s wedding season!


Historically, June is the most popular month to get hitched. Why? Well, some believe it dates all the way back to the Roman goddess Juno (which is where we got the name for the month of June). Juno was the protector of women, and, colloquially, the goddess of marriage. Of course, June also happens to be right in the middle of summertime, when most folks are up for a destination or out of town wedding. Practicality or romance? You decide!


As you sit through these weddings, though, it does make you consider this question: How do you know this person is The One?


Yes, The One is capitalized. As if it were a name or a state of being. Before folks join in matrimony, they’re supposed to flesh out whether or not this human standing next to them is the one for them. While our Dallas Courier Service is not giving out love advice anytime soon, we do have some ideas for telling whether or not your transportation team is “the one”.


Here at 5 ways to tell your Dallas Courier Service is The One:


1-    They answer the phone.

Ever been ghosted by a one-and-done date? So annoying, isn’t it? The Eagle Express Dallas Courier Service won’t leave you unread, send you to voicemail, or ignore your requests. We’re here for you 24/7, answering the phone with a real live member of our team. When you need us, we’ll answer.

2-    They offer customized options.

Do you know what happens when you give your significant other a gift card for a holiday? Bad things, friend, bad things. Everyone knows when you care for someone, you take the time to gift them something unique to what they like or need. The same goes for your courier! Couriers who care created customized options for their clients. No menu, no additional fees for things you don’t need. Eagle Express curates unique delivery options for each client based on their specific cargo. Temperature control, out of town deliveries, even storage options are available with every Eagle Express delivery.

3-    They aren’t the lowest bidder.

Can you put a price on love? No. But you can put a price on quality deliveries. Going with the lowest bidder is selling your business, your customers, and your cargo short. In the courier world, we know that incredibly low prices are an indicator of one of two things: shoddy quality or inaccurate quotes.  The courier that’s The One pays their drivers well, maintains their vehicles, and isn’t low-balling customers just to get their business. Quality and honesty come first- and they come at a fair, but not bottom-barrel price.

4-    They treat their drivers well.

You know the old saying, the way a man treats his mom is how he’ll treat his bride? Without getting too Freudian on you, there is a similar relationship between couriers and their drivers. Unhappy and underpaid drivers mean unsuccessful deliveries. The right courier is one that treats their drivers with respect. Eagle Express drivers are a part of our family. They have a seat at the table. They also enjoy above average wages and responsible insurance policies. Many of our drivers have been with us for years because they feel valued. (Maybe you want to join our team as a driver? Check it out our job opportunities.)

5-    They keep technology in focus.

Don’t underestimate the role of technology in courier operations. The One will make advanced technology a priority. The reason is simple. Technology brings transparency to the organization. Tech helps our employees keep track of inventory and routes. It also assists us in creating streamlined routes. It helps clients stay informed about the location of their cargo. Just like dating these days, tech is important in building a lasting relationship with your Dallas Courier Service.


Is Eagle Express your perfect match? We think so!


See for yourself. Check out our website, request a free quote, or call us for immediate service at 214-351-5777.



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