Dallas Hot Shot Delivery Service: Uber Cool

Eagle Express, Dallas Hot Shot Delivery Service

Here at Eagle Express, our Dallas Hot Shot Delivery Service team likes to stay in the know. Sometimes it’s hard, seeing as we are on call 24/7 to meet your logistics needs, but we do our best. So when we heard about this new app for your Android or i-Phone, we knew we had to share it with our customers!

Dallas Hot Shot Delivery Service is here for you at a moment’s notice to transport your time-sensitive goods. Just give us a call, and we will be there for pick up. But what if your time-sensitive item in need of transportation was yourself and your friends? Well, as much as we’d like to help, Dallas Hot Shot Delivery Service doesn’t yet provide on-demand service for humans. So instead, we’ve found an app for that. It’s called Uber.

Uber is an app that can be downloaded for the purpose of connecting people to drivers for hire. Kind of like a taxi, but way, way cooler. You see, Uber is downloaded to your phone, and then, when you’re ready, uses GPS to track where you are and where the nearest driver is to you. (Hey, that type of technology sounds familiar!) The driver sends you a text when he or she is there, and you pay with the credit card you have on file with the app. No cash exchange, no credit cards, no worries about tipping. Now that is cool!

Uber started out in the Bay Area and has since grown to service 35 cities, Dallas-Fort Worth being one of them, and 17 countries. Drivers are people like you and me and our Dallas Hot Shot Delivery Service team. They are regular folks, but they are licensed, insured, and rated by Uber and Uber users. Once you notify Uber of your location, the driver heads to you and you can track them on GPS. The app will also send you their name, car information, and phone number so you can text them if you need to. You can get quotes on rates to and from addresses, and the transaction is done entirely on the app with your receipt coming through e-mail.

One of the coolest features about Uber is the car choices. There are a range of “styles” you can choose from. UberX are the drivers’ regular, run of the mill vehicles. These are the everyday cars and the cheapest of the services. Then there is the taxi. Yellow, as one would imagine, but you don’t have to flag one down or wait in line. Just use the app. A “Black” car is more like a car service in a high-end sedan. SUV service would be useful if you’re looking for a ride for you and five of your buddies. Then there’s the Lux service. This is the big daddy of Uber. Expensive cars, for a high cost, of course, but you get to drive around town in luxury. Just like our Hot Shot Delivery Service, you make the call, and Uber sends you the car on-demand. No hassle, no waiting, no worries.

Essentially, Uber is for those who can’t be bothered by a standard yellow taxi. Let’s be honest, they can be a little smelly, and the drivers can be a little strange. Not to mention, waiting in line or trying to whistle one to a stop can be pretty unnerving. The Uber app is available in the Android and Apple App stores, but you have to sign up to use the service on their website, first. If you’re an “out on the town” type of a guy or gal, Uber might just be the resolution to your evening transportation problems. Check it out; it’s uber cool.


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