Dallas Long Distance Courier: One Step At A Time

Eagle Express, Long Distance Dallas Deliveries

Our Dallas Long Distance Courier drivers log a lot of miles. After all, we’re on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week making your time sensitive deliveries happen at a moment’s notice. Sure, the days are long, and the road is tough, but at least we’re in the comfort of our Dallas Long Distance delivery vans.

There is a man we know, though, taking it to the road on foot.

West Point graduate and former Army football fullback Mike Viti is traveling across the country, one step at a time, in honor of those who gave the ultimate sacrifice during the fight on the Global War on Terror.

Viti, a former Captain in the United States Army, had a nice cushy job in Las Vegas working for a Fortune 500 company. He made a steady income and had what many would call “The American Dream”; however, he never forgot those who fought for that dream. A veteran of the Global War on Terror, Viti was well aware of the sacrifices of our military men and women, but Viti felt the country that he loved seemed to have forgotten what our military overseas were giving up to protect our American freedoms. So he did what...well...none of us...would do, and quit his civilian job and saddled up for the longest hike of his life.

He partnered with Legacies Alive and started Mike’s Hiking for Heroes. To make Americans aware of the sacrifices of our military members, Viti is sacrificing 233 days of his life, and walking a kilometer for every military member who gave their life in the War on Terrorism. In all, Viti will travel nearly 7,100 kilometers in honor of the 6,810 who have died in the war. Viti wanted his journey to be significant, honoring, and also difficult. Viti stated that as a former service member, he knows how hard it can be to do your job serving your country, and he wanted his sacrifice to be something comparable. That is certainly something that our Dallas Critical Distance Couriers team would call honorable!

Viti started his journey on April 26 of this year in DuPont, Washington. This is his last month of a 4,400 mile hike to Baltimore, Maryland. He expects to arrive in Baltimore, Maryland on December 13. That day has significant meaning to a former Army football player. It’s the site and date of the annual Army-Navy football game. A game rooted in history, as it has been played each year since 1930. In fact, Viti is hoping this year that his mission and presence at the game will give his Black Knights a little boost to help end the 12 game winning streak of the Navy Midshipmen.

Each kilometer of Viti’s journey has a name, and that name is tied to one service member who died while serving their country in the War on Terror. Along the way, Viti has met many memorable people. As Viti hiked through hometowns of heroes who gave their lives for our country, he was met by their loved ones. For example, while hiking through DFW, home of our drive out distance delivery team, this September, Viti shared a kilometer with Kay Jordan, whose son Austin Skaggs passed away from battle related injuries in 2010. Viti also shared a special event with our DFW area. He was in the Big D during September 11th, and in remembrance of 9/11, he hiked for 24 hours straight. The 68.26 miles, equivalent to nearly three marathons, certainly brought awareness to his cause. Viti also grabbed the attention of some big names in sports. While hiking through San Francisco earlier this year, Viti visited the 49ers facility and shared with them his purpose and goals. Niners’ coach Jim Harbaugh stated that Viti, a former football player himself, was inspirational to the professional players, and his sacrifice was evident.

As Mike’s Hike for Heroes nears completion, one thing is for certain. Viti’s goal of honoring the legacies of 6,810 men and women who died during the Global War on Terror has certainly been accomplished. The Dallas Long Distance Courier team sends a big thank you to Viti for making sure no hero goes forgotten.


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