COVID-19 Response Thoughts From our Courier Services DFW Team
So. Many. Thoughts.
So many opinions. So many suggestions, both solicited and unsolicited. Our courier services DFW team knows you’re inundated with thoughts regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. We aren’t going to tell you how to act during these stressful times, but we do feel that it’s our duty to remind our fellow North Texans of a few things you might have forgotten in the panic of the Coronavirus pandemic.
Here are just 5 things to remember as you face the unsettling and challenging times ahead:
Prepare, but don’t panic. As good old, Texas-born HEB said in a statement this week, there is enough for everyone, if we take only what we need and consider our neighbors as we stock up. Love each other. Even when everyone else is telling you to love yourself.
Make the next right choice. Frozen II came out weeks early for streaming this past weekend. ( Thanks Disney!) It served as a good reminder to do the next right thing. If that next step is self-quarantining, or making the tough decision to cancel travel plans, just do it. One right choice leads to another.
Telecommuting? No Problem. Many large and small corporations alike have advised employees to telecommute. But just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean your supply chain logistics has to take a hiatus. Online and phone consultations from our Eagle Express team are still ongoing. Manage your supply chain without leaving your home office.
You are more prepared than you think. The CDC advises that the greatest combatant to COVID-19 is washing your hands. Twenty seconds, warm water and soap, and then dry off with a disposable towel. Avoid contact with your face, and avoid large groups of people. This isn’t a vaccine, but it is solid advice that you already know how to implement. You are prepared for battle.
We were not given a spirit of fear. Undoubtedly, COVID-19 wasn’t on your radar for 2020. It wasn’t on ours! But we firmly believe that it was always in the plan of our Creator. In times when uncertainly rules, we can be certain that we were not given a spirit of fear, but, rather, a spirit of power and love for one another, and sound mind for ourselves. Process that, and put that into action in the next few weeks.
Did we forget anything? If you have something to add to our courier services DFW team’s list of things to remember in the coming weeks, of course we’d love to hear from you.
Do you have neighborly advice about how to stay safe? Do you have an idea about how to assist your community? Maybe you have a genius method for staying entertained during quarantine- we’re all ears! (Digitally, of course.)
Find us on social media, Tweet us, write on our wall, let us know what you think it’s important to remember as we forge on in this crisis.
One last thing for you to remember: our couriers are still operating at full capacity. Our team members are certified and trained to handle even the most sensitive items, including healthcare and lab specimens. We’re here for you North Texas. Your safety is our number one responsibility.