COVID Related Staffing Shortages? Hire a 3PL Partner
Services Kayla Palesky Services Kayla Palesky

COVID Related Staffing Shortages? Hire a 3PL Partner

We’re all feeling the pinch on employment since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic. As your business begins to creep back to pre-pandemic operations, while adhering to the safety standards set forth by the CDC, of course, you might discover that you need an extra set of hands (or twenty!). Thankfully, your friendly local courier can offer just that.

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Residential Deliveries Increase as Local Couriers Shift Strategies
Specialty Kayla Palesky Specialty Kayla Palesky

Residential Deliveries Increase as Local Couriers Shift Strategies

As a local courier, Eagle Express has shifted operations to the residential level. While we aren’t working from home, we are assisting other North Texans, and even those outside of our state, as they work from home. Consider these strategy shifts for local couriers as we all navigate the changing landscape of deliveries in the wake of COVID-19.

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Major DFW Businesses Did a Work/Life 180, And We’re Here For It
Specialty Kayla Palesky Specialty Kayla Palesky

Major DFW Businesses Did a Work/Life 180, And We’re Here For It

Up until a few months ago, there was a trend going on in work/life balance in both large and small companies that incentivized employees to spend as much time as possible at the office. That’s all changed. Now that you’re working from home, our DFW couriers are making it easy to execute your organization’s logistics from remote locations.

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