COVID Related Staffing Shortages? Hire a 3PL Partner

Has the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic left your business a little shorthanded?

Between quarantine, unemployment benefits, and work-from-home strategies, you might be feeling slightly understaffed. But you’re not alone.


According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), businesses with 50-499 employees suffered the largest cumulative employment losses in the later part of 2020. Employers with 1-9 employees also reported high losses. In all, the COVID-19 pandemic caused the largest increase in job losses since the inception of the Current Employment Statistics (CES) by the BLS.


We’re all feeling the pinch on employment since the start of the Coronavirus pandemic.


Like many essential businesses, Eagle Express never shuttered operations. In fact, we found ourselves moving faster than ever in some areas to assist in the vital transportation needs of our community. These included: food distribution, healthcare transportation, and urgent out of town truck services.


The pandemic has changed the way our business does business. Can you say the same for your organization?


As your business begins to creep back to pre-pandemic operations, while adhering to the safety standards set forth by the CDC, of course, you might discover that you need an extra set of hands (or twenty!). Thankfully, your friendly local courier can offer just that.


Eagle Express as Your Third Party Logistics Partner


The easiest way to make the most of your in-house employees is by outsourcing your extraneous tasks like warehousing, inventory management, and fulfillment. Whether your organization operates entirely online during the pandemic, or you have a brick and mortar location here in North Texas, or you’re from out of town, but you serve clients in DFW- Eagle Express has a variety of 3PL options to meet your specific needs.


In our on-site warehouse, we can offer long and short term storage, extra security, and temperature control. Thanks to state of the art logistics technology, we can inventory your items in real time. Our pick and pack services are fast and available any time of day or night. You can rest easy knowing your order fulfillment is in the hands of experienced professionals.


Stay focused on what you did best before the worldwide pandemic, and leave the rest to your third party logistics partner.


Scheduled Delivery Routes by Hands On Professionals


Talk about time consuming! Daily or even multiple times a day routes can suck up your time faster than you can say “corona”. Not to mention, if you’re short staffed, those scheduled delivery routes require a dedicated employee that you might not even have at this point. Instead, save your organization the cost of renting and maintaining fleet, paying out mileage, and losing a precious body at your location by allowing a courier to move your scheduled delivery routes on your behalf.


Eagle Express offers helices in a variety of sizes and specifications, including refrigerated straight trucks. You’ll also find that our drivers are dedicated to getting the job done right. You don’t find us bumping the dock. Our Eagle drivers are capable and qualified to move your cargo off the truck, onto the dock, or right into the delivery location. No dock? No problem! Our team consists of strapping men and women with the strength and savvy to move anything, anytime, anywhere.


Win back your day by letting your scheduled delivery routes go to the professionals.


On Demand Transportation


Another time consuming logistics task is urgent transportation. For every organization, there comes a time when a delivery emergency occurs. The question is- will you drop everything and move it yourself? Or will you call for on demand transportation from your trustworthy courier. We know which choice is the best!


A true on demand courier offers 24/7 assistance from a live team member to solve your transportation needs as they arise. This is especially vital for the healthcare industry and food distribution.  Thankfully, Eagle Express’s 24/7 couriers are trained in HIPAA, OSHA, and Food Safety.


As we go longer into this pandemic, we’re realizing the need for immediate transportation of everything from food to toilet paper to lab specimens. A qualified courier has your back with on demand transportation.




If you find your business could use some assistance with logistics operations, let Eagle Express lend a hand! In fact, we can lend several sanitized, PPE clad hands to your business, any time of day or night. Get back to what you do best, while continuing to serve your customers with timely deliveries and friendly faces- even if those faces aren’t directly part of your organization.


Don’t leave your third party logistics to just anyone. The folks at Eagle Express guarantee an on time, superior transportation experience with each and every delivery. Contact us today to get the ball rolling!


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