Dallas Healthcare Deliveries Help You Focus Your Energy

Adulting is hard. Parenting is even harder. In fact, it’s downright exhausting. Ask any adult, especially parents, what their morning routine consists of, and 80% of us will say: coffee. Even those who aren’t jazzed about java will start their day with some sort of caffeinated beverage. We don’t just want it, we NEED it!


But as we roll into the month of March, our Dallas healthcare deliveries team wants to shed a little light on the important topic of caffeine. Why?


March is National Caffeine Awareness Month.


Now, you might look at that statement and scoff. You might think you don’t drink too much caffeine. Or, maybe you know you do, but you don’t have the energy to do anything about it. But caffeine is the most common psychoactive drug in the world, and one of the most frequently overused. Caffeine is a stimulant, which means it’s classified as a drug that increases the speed as which messages travel in the brain and body. This makes sense as to why you can’t seem to move quickly in the morning without your first cup!


Are You Getting Too Much Caffeine In Your Daily Diet?


Doctors recommend no more than 400mg of caffeine per day. That’s roughly 4-5 cups of coffee. If you’re not one to sit and drink a pot by yourself, you might think you’re in the clear, but, don’t forget, caffeine is found in other foods, as well. Caffeine can be found in tea, chocolate, other drinks, and even deaf coffee (yep, it still runs at about 2mg of caffeine).


So, What’s the Big Deal?


First of all, caffeine isn’t safe in high amounts for a vaiety of people including children, teens, pregnant women, folks taking antianxietals, or people with high blood pressure. If you’re not on that list, still be mindful. Too much caffeine can result in insomnia, heart palpaltations, and anxiety. Afgter all, it is a stimulant, remember? Not to mention, too much caffeine can lead to high blood pressure, heartburn, dehydration, and a slew of other unwanted effects.


This month, in honor of Caffeine Awareness Month, take a look at your daily caffeine habits and decide if you’re making smart moves for your body. If you’re feeling low on energy, consider a few natural ways to boost your brain and body.


Natural Caffeine Alternatives Include:


·      Exposure to the sun

·      Exercise

·      Eat well

·      Stay hydrated

·      Get rest



While our Eagle Express team can’t come drag you to a morning workout or sit nect to you as your cheer your kid on during those daily sports and homrwork sessions, we can help you refocus the energy that you do have, to help you make better use of your efforts.


In other words, once you find a little extra free time that comes from outsourcing your deliveries to the proper channel, you might find you don’t miss that extra cup of Joe.


Eagle Express Dallas Couriers have decades of experience serving the Dallas Fort Worth healthcare industry. We serve patients, providers, labs, and pharmacies with 24/7/365 service of your most sensitive healthcare items. We offer routine deliveries, to ensure your lab specimens and samples arrive on time with dependability so you can get results to your patients faster. We handle pharmacy and compounding pharmacy deliveries with HIPAA certified drivers to protect patient privacy, as well as refrigerated vehicles to protect pharmaceuticals. We even offer overnight deliveries for critical medical deliveries such as blood and live organs.


Partnering with the right courier for your Fort Worth and Dallas healthcare deliveries brings you peace of mind, as well as on time and secure deliveries. Refocus the energy that you have (sans that last cup of coffee) to things that matter more- like patient care or care for your own family.


So put down the coffee. Back off the energy drinks. Focus on your health this month, and call Eagle Express. We’re here no matter when you make that call, with the right vehicle and the right driver for your medical deliveries throughout the Metroplex and beyond!


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