Dallas Healthcare Logistics Experts’ Role in Patient Care

As of 2021, Healthcare is an $808 billion industry, with 65% of revenue coming from patient care. As healthcare providers know well, patient care is a complex and time consuming, yet vital piece of overall health. As our Eagle Express couriers know well, the right healthcare logistics expert plays an essential role for providers as they tend to their patients.


What does a Dallas healthcare logistics expert have to do with caring for patients of doctors and other healthcare providers? Let’s explore:


Moving Oversized Furniture and Medical Technology-

At the most basic level, Dallas logistics experts utilize box trucks and lift equipped straight trucks to move oversized furniture and medical technology. Setting up the office is the first step in patient care. Waiting room furniture, exam tables, even X ray machines all require heavy lifting and capable delivery teams.


Dallas logistics experts also transport medical technology with expediency when they require repairs. Overnight pick-up and delivery of large items means less down time for healthcare providers, as machines get back in service quickly.


HIPAA and OSHA Certified Couriers-

According to federal law, all individuals who handle patient records or individuals’ private medical information must be trained in HIPAA- patient privacy rights. Additionally, when working with medical specimens, couriers must be OSHA certified to ensure safety on the job. At Eagle Express, our couriers are both HIPAA and OSHA certified, and have decades of experience serving the Dallas Fort Worth healthcare industry. When you need medical transport, we have a courier ready.


Refrigerated Vans and Trucks for Temperature Controlled Medical Items-

Medical items almost always require temperature control. From pharmaceuticals to specimens, strict control to range of temperatures, refrigerated transportation is essential to patient care. Maintaining the right temperature can often mean the difference between life and death! The Dallas healthcare logistics experts are equipped with the right tools to keep medical items safe for consumption, effective for their task, or even ready for transplant.


Route Deliveries for Medical Supplies and Specimens-

When it comes to patient care, the importance of dependable route deliveries of medical supplies and specimens cannot be overstated. Healthcare offices must have the proper supply of tools at all times- such as examination items or even printer paper. Having these items delivered on a scheduled basis means never running out of the everyday, yet essential items.


Healthcare providers also benefit from route deliveries for medical specimens. Daily, weekly, or biweekly deliveries to and from labs mean patients’ specimens are transported with speed, allowing for fast receipt and examination of samples. This helps healthcare providers offer quick care to patients waiting for results.


24/7 On Demand Healthcare Deliveries-

While each of these tasks are important to proper patient care, perhaps the most important healthcare logistics service is the on demand delivery. Healthcare never sleeps. Providers work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure the health and safety of their patients. The healthcare industry needs logistics experts that keep these same hours.


Eagle Express is a 24/7/356 medical logistics provider in Dallas Fort Worth. No matter when healthcare providers call us, we’re here to answer. We’re ready to move your essential medical items in as little as 45 minutes. Whether it’s a lifesaving organ or blood for a medical emergency, our couriers are ready with the right tools and vehicles to support patient care. Call us anytime at 214-351-5777.


As healthcare providers, patient care is your #1 task. Eagle Express is your #1 healthcare logistics expert to support you as you care for patients.

Learn more about how our healthcare logistics team can support your medical organization by dropping us a line here or contacting us at 214-351-5777.


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