Dallas Medical Courier: Surviving Allergy Season in Texas

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!


Wait…no…that’s not right.


It’s time for cookouts and swimsuits!


No, that’s not it, either.


It’s football season!


Too soon. Too soon.


What exactly is the current season known for? In some areas of the country, we look forward to spring as renewal from a treacherous winter. Not here, though. Technically it’s spring, but tell that to Texas weather. One day our teeth are chattering in our sweaters and the next we’re breaking out the shorts and flip flops. Texas is GREAT, but not consistent.



Spring is great for yardwork and baseball, but when it comes to your health, it can present some challenges. 



Seasonal allergies are a real pain for Texans during spring time. If you’re not itching, your sneezing, and in between that, your eyes are watering. In fact, for many Texans, the ideal of “seasonal” allergies is a joke, because many folks feel those symptoms all year long.


Our Dallas medical couriers explore why seasonal allergies are so prevalent in North Texas, and, more importantly, what you can do about it.



Why Allergies Are so Miserable in Texas

Over 50 million Americans are affected by seasonal allergies. Most folks experience allergy symptoms during springtime because that is when pollinating plants release pollen dust. By summertime, these plants are done, and people experience a reduction in allergy symptoms.


Not Texans, though.


Here in Texas, our winters are generally mild- especially the further south you travel. That means plants continue to thrive (and pollenate) all year round. In the Metroplex, we’re particularly haunted by ragweed. These grains have an uncanny ability to float along, landing up to 400 miles away from their originating location. Cedar tree pollen is another culprit. This can cause what’s commonly known as “Cedar fever”, which can lead to cold-like symptoms such as sore throat, fever, and sinus pressure. Lastly, we have grass pollen. That gets wicked in March and lasts all the way through the fall. With these top three culprits, it’s no wonder Dallas is the second worst city in the United States for allergy sufferers!


There’s good news, though! Our Dallas medical couriers deliver a few tips for reducing the pain of seasonal allergies in DFW.


How to Manage Seasonal Allergies in DFW

Managing seasonal allergies in DFW can be broken down into two parts: prevention and treatment.





  • Carpets are an allergy hotspot. Allergens stick to carpets, and vacuuming won’t always do the trick. Wet vacuum your carpets when possible. You could also consider getting rid of carpets altogether.

  • Wash your sheets and pillows frequently. You might want to invest in allergen reducing pillow and bedcovers. Studies show they can reduce the 100,000 to 10 million dust mites that live on your bed. Yuck!

  • Wipe down your pets before they come inside. Their fur can hang on to allergens and pollen. This is especially necessary if they share your room or bed.

  • Wash your hair and clothes after spending time outdoors




  • Over the counter allergy meds can be helpful, say medical experts.

  • Daily nasal rinses are another way to remove allergens that hang out in your nasal cavity. Additionally, over the counter nasal sprays can be effective if used consistently.

  • If all else fails, see an allergist to discuss allergy testing. Knowing exactly what you’re sensitive to could help you stay away from it.

  • Your doctor might also suggest immunotherapy. Regular injections of your allergens in tiny amounts could help your body build immunity over a number of years.  



Thankfully, your Dallas medical couriers have a hand in both methods of management. Not only are we moving over the counter and prescription meds, keeping your local pharmacy stocked and prepared to assist in your question to remain allergy symptom-free, we’re also working closely with doctors and labs to transport your lab specimens, reports, and other treatments personalized to you.


Do you have medical deliveries in DFW or beyond? Eagle Express Dallas medical couriers are on it 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, helping North Texans fight seasonal allergies all year long. Call us today to get the scoop on how to plan and successfully deliver your next time or temperature sensitive healthcare delivery.


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