Healthcare Delivery Dallas Couriers keep Easter from Getting Egg-stra

Don’t get us wrong! We love Easter! In fact, it’s arguably the best holiday of the year, seeing as it celebrates the resurrection of Jesus. What could be more important and exciting than that?!


The problem is…everything else.


As with other commercialized holidays, Easter can sometimes get a little egg-stra. From the bunnies to the baskets, egg hunts to dyed farm animals, Easter seems to have experienced a takeover! While we can’t stop the crazy, our healthcare delivery Dallas couriers can help mitigate some of the egg-stra when it comes to your health. More specifically, we’re delivering tips for keeping those additional treats and eats from affecting your overall health. Since knowledge is power, we’re going to shed some light on some of your favorite Easter treats.


Here are the facts about some popular Easter eats, and what indulging in them will “cost” you:


  • Marshmallow Chicks- Pure sugar. Just cals. In one serving of five, you’ll be set back 140 calories. That will require 30 mins of hatha yoga.


  • Chocolate Cream Egg- Gooey goodness, sure, but each one of these is packed with 20 grams of sugar! That’s nearly your entire day’s worth of sugar in one snack. Carrot stick for you for the rest of the day.


  • Peanut Butter Egg- Chocolate, surrounding peanut butter…yum! But at 170 calories per egg, you’re looking at 30 minutes of shooting hoops to burn that off.


  • Pastel “Miniature and Melty“ Chocolates- Don’t let the candy shell fool you! Pastel colors make these “Easter” approved, but the bad news is, they still sit at 200 calories per bag. That’s 50 minutes of bowling.


  • Chocolate Bunny- Depending on the size of your treat, these bunnies can range from a small dent in your diet to a complete takeover. A palm-sized portion clocks in at 270 calories and 17 grams of fat. And that’s for the hollow bunny! You’ll need an hour of light canoeing to burn that off.


With all that sugar in your belly, you’re going to want something solid to chow on. The good news is, the basics of Easter meals aren’t all that bad! It’s when we zhuzh it up that we run into problems.

Let’s talk about traditional Easter meals. Here’s how some of your favorites add up.


  • Mashed Potatoes- At 230 calories for one cup, this is a pretty safe pick. This includes butter and milk in the prep. Steer clear of added toppings, and you can enjoy this fiber-rich food for the “price” of a 30 minute hike.


  • Ham- Three ounces- one serving- of cured ham sits at about 100 calories and about 20 grams of protein. It’s a great addition to your meal! Be mindful of the sodium, though. At about 1500 mg, it comprises nearly all the sodium you need in a day.


  • Glazed Carrots- Carrots themselves are nutritionally packed. Adding sugar to glaze them isn’t ideal, but it isn’t a deal breaker. Ninety calories in one serving are torched with about 12 minutes of aerobics.


  • Rolls- One small dinner roll (but, let’s be honest, you aren’t eating just one) holds about 75 calories. Add in butter, and you’re looking at about 150 calories. You’re going to need a 30 minute leisure ride on your bicycle after that treat!


Easter can get egg-stra. But with these tips from our healthcare delivery Dallas couriers, you don’t have to scramble your diet. Some bunny better mention, as well, that the Eagle Express food distribution team is here to move your time and temperature sensitive foods just in time for the holiday. With 24/7 deliveries all weekend long, there is no egg-scuse for missing out on your favorite holiday treats. Just call Eagle Express.


Be well this Easter season! Enjoy your family and friends, and don’t forget the special meaning behind the joy of Resurrection Sunday!  


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