Healthcare Couriers Deliver the Motto for 2023

Out with the old and in with the new!


That’s what we’re talking about in 2023! It’s the first full year post-pandemic, and, boy, are we ready to get back to normal. But what is “normal” anymore? Who even knows! All we know is that it’s time to reset. New year, new…everything!


In fact, the new year is the perfect time for new logistics processes. If aren’t already utilizing a courier in Dallas for your routine deliveries, same day shipping, or storage, what are you waiting for? Today, though, we’re going to be highlighting our healthcare couriers. The Eagle Express Dallas healthcare couriers are HIPAA and OSHA certified experts at transporting everything from medical specimens to life saving organs. With 24/7 deliveries, we’re here for you when you need us, healthcare providers, labs, and pharmacies. Keeping you healthy in 2023!


Speaking of starting fresh and keeping you healthy, did you know you might have a potential hazard lurking in your kitchen? In fact, you might have more than one! During the pandemic, and even after, we cooked at home with our pantry staples, but now, many of those items are past their prime. It’s time for that food to transport its way to the trash.


Have you been hanging on too long to some of these pantry items? Is it time to go out with the old and bring in the new for 2023 in your kitchen? The Dallas Courier healthcare team delivers the details.


Check on these 10 items in your pantry, because, chances are, they aren’t ok:


  • Pastas- USDA says your pasta is good for 2 years, but only if it’s stored properly in an airtight container. The box is easily penetrated by bugs, so be sure to check out those noodles for any…intruders…before you cook them.

  • Rice- This depends on your purchase preference. White rice can be stored indefinitely on the shelf. Brown rice, however, has a different bran layer and will spoil after about 6 months.

  • Flour- Like rice, white flour has a longer shelf life of about 6-9 months. Whole grain flour needs to be tossed after about 3 months.

  • Canned goods- Despite what your apocalypse-prepper great Aunt told you, canned goods only are “good” for about two years. Not to mention- that only applies to goods that are kept in a cool, dry place. Not on top or below your oven.

  • Cereal- Those Choco pebbles and honey o’s will stay sweet for about one year if unopened. Once they’re opened, you have about 3 months. If your cereal contains nuts, it will go bad even faster.

  • Candy- Good news! (Or bad news…) Your candy likely won’t “expire”. It might change in consistency and taste, but it won’t become unsafe to eat. So those candy canes from 20222? The sour straws from the Halloween before last? They might not taste as good, but they’re fine to eat.

  • Spices- Some experts suggest spices will last 3-4 years. Other say 1-2 years. In general, if your spices lose their color or smell bad, steer clear!

  • Olive oil- This pantry staple spoils in about six months, and faster if not stored properly. Keep olive oil in a dark, cool place.

  • Baking powder- Unlike baking soda- which lasts forever- baking powder only keeps for about 6-12 months. If you want to check on your powder, add a tablespoon of hot water to a teaspoon of baking powder. If it fizzes, it’s good to go.

  • Potatoes- You’ll know it’s time to toss your taters when they develop black spots or sprouts. Depending on how they’re stored, that means you have a week or two.  

Check on your pantry items, people, they aren’t ok! A few items that won’t go bad anytime soon? Sugar, vinegar, vanilla extract, honey, and salt.


In 2023, hold onto the motto: out with the old, and in with the new. This works just about everywhere- from your logistics to your kitchen.


If you’re ready for to breathe new life into your logistics in 2023, give Eagle Express a call. Our experts are on call 24/7, and we’re ready to serve with experience and excellence.


Dallas Logistics Clients are the Heart of Eagle Express


The Courier Service Dallas Businesses Need in the New Year