Like A Super Rush Delivery, There’s Still Time for New Year’s Resolutions

In a survey taken by Gallup, 61% of working Americans say they don’t have enough time to complete necessary and leisure tasks. Honestly, that percentage seems low. Perhaps the other 40% didn’t have enough time to complete the survey.


If you’re feeling the time crunch, you aren’t alone. The New Year can bring some complex emotions and conflicting desires. We want to do better, be better, and make changes, but we also have a whole lot on our plates as we head back to work, school, and life after the holidays. But, as our super rush delivery team will tell you, it’s not too late for success. There’s still time!


We often have clients call us at all hours of the day and night, worried about timing regarding their deliveries. Some of them need a delivery ASAP- like, in the next hour- while others need a delivery across the state by morning. Since we’re available to answer their calls 24/7, and we have the right vehicle and driver on call, nearly every time, we’re able to respond in this manner: there’s still time.


Eagle Express couriers have been making super rush deliveries throughout DFW and beyond for over 40 years. Our expert dispatch team offers honest and fair quotes on time and prices, and we’re ready to deliver your cargo in as little as 45 minutes. So, when you call with a delivery emergency, we’re ready to assure our clients there’s still time for a successful delivery.


With the right delivery partner, there’s no need to feel the pinch of time when it comes to your logistics processes. Eagle Express is here for you


Encouraging, right? Here’s another encouraging statement: there’s still time to set great goals for 2023 and make New Year’s resolutions.


It’s never too late to focus on your personal growth.


Despite the fact that we’re a week into the New Year, you can still form some great resolutions to focus on in 2023. Keep these tips in mind:


Start Small- Rome wasn’t built in a day. You’ve heard that phrase before, right? What it means is small steps make big changes. Taking on too much all at once will almost always lead to frustration and failure. As you plan your goals for 2023, start small. Taking small steps towards your big goal can give you frequent successes, encouraging you on your journey.


Get Specific- Not only should you create small goals, but you should also create specific goals. It’s not enough to say you’d like to “get healthy” in 2023. Instead, set goals to “eat more veggies”, “exercise three times a week”, or “stop drinking soda”. These are specific, manageable goals that work towards the overall goal. 


Talk About It- Accountability is key to making a personal change. Tell someone (or a lot of people) about your goals. Ask them to help encourage you and keep you on track. Having someone to share your success and trials with can make the process less lonely and intimidating.


Get Back at It- Did you know that in the process of recovery, relapse is built in to long term success? Nearly every person who is working towards a goal will slip up at some point. That’s part of the process! But the way you get back at it is more important than how you fell short in the first place. Don’t give up. Keep pressing on!


As our Eagle Express couriers will tell you – there’s still time! Not only for your super rush delivery needs, but for your personal goals for 2023, as well.


If you have a pressing transportation issue, give us a ring at 214-351-5777. We’ll assess your request, offer you a fair and accurate quote, and then you can track your delivery from start to finish. Now that your logistics are taken care of, you’ll have more time to get back to setting those personal goals for 2023. Don’t forget to take into account our tips for resolution success!


The Eagle Express family wishes you a happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!


The Courier Service Dallas Businesses Need in the New Year


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