THIS is the ONE Question You Need to Ask Before Hiring a Dallas Courier

When you’re on the search for a Dallas Courier, you might have several questions running through your head:


Do you offer refrigerated options?

How fast can you move my items?

Do you operate out of the Metroplex city limits?


All of these questions are valid and important. But if you have a super rush delivery need, you might not have time to ask all these questions. In that case, you need to know the single most important question to ask. In fact, it’s not even a question! When you need a Dallas Courier, the most important thing you need to ask of your courier is this:


Show me how you’ll meet the logistics needs specific to my organization.


There are many things to unpack here. Let’s start at the beginning:



It’s not just about your courier telling you their plan. Any logistics provider who’s been around the block once or twice knows the correct way to answer a logistics question. Instead, ask your courier to show you. This might mean a tour of their warehouse, a hands-on tutorial of their logistics management software for clients, or a look at their insurance paperwork. Asking your courier to show you their plan means your courier not only knows the right answer but is prepared to execute this plan in a way that meets your needs.


“Meet the logistics needs”

Speaking of those logistics needs, when you ask your courier to show how they’ll serve your business, you’re going to find out if your courier of choice has a variety of methods to meet logistics needs. Do they offer warehousing? Refrigerated trucking? Out of town services? Asking your courier to show that they can meet the needs- as in, the many different needs- means your courier has a variety of individuals who are capable of performing a variety of processes.


Additionally, by asking your courier to show how they will meet your needs means you’re asking your courier to disclose who, exactly will be doing the deliveries. Many organizers will outsource your deliveries to a third party. Sometimes this third party is a contracted group of people who they’ve never even worked with! Instead, when you as your big question, be clear you’re asking the courier how they will meet your needs. Not the subcontractor. If you find out there’s a third party involved, you may want to think twice about your selection.


“Specific to my organization”

Last, but certainly not least, when you ask your courier to show how they’ll meet your logistics needs, what you’re asking is for them to meet the needs that are unique to your business. One-size-fits-all delivery providers are a thing of the past. Now, great couriers have the ability to create unique logistics plans, perfectly suited for your business. Your business is yours, and your logistics is yours. Your courier is there to learn about your needs, and then create an action plan for success. If your provider wants you to fit inside a (flat rate) box, it’s not the provider for Y-O-U.



You have questions. Your Dallas Courier should have answers. But as you seek a third party logistics provider, the one question you need to ask isn’t even a question, it’s an action statement.


Ask your provider to show how they’ll meet the specific logistics needs of your organization.


If your provider is hesitant, pushy, or unwilling to be creative, Eagle Express is here for you. We’ll answer every question you have, ask away! Our expert logistics planners have decades of experience serving the Metroplex. We’ll create a unique plan suited specifically to your needs, and we’re happy to show you exactly how we’ll execute.


Don’t wait! Call Eagle Express today at 214-351-5777.


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