Stay chill: Expert advice from our refrigerated food delivery service Dallas team

Hello, Texas Summer! It’s here, folks. That boiling, sweat dripping, clothes drenched, feels like a sauna outside Texas heat! I personally love it. Some don’t. But give me summertime heat any day over wintertime freezes.

What does the Texas heat have to do with our refrigerated food delivery service Dallas team? A lot, actually!

We know a thing or two about beating the heat all summer long. The answer is painfully simple. Survey says: COLD. Easy answer, right? Chill things. Cold things. Frozen things. Refrigerated things. Ice. Ice. Ice. And these are all things our team is well-acquainted with. After all, at Eagle Express, we specialize in reefer deliveries all year round. And personally, I think it’s one of the best gigs in the summertime months. When our couriers pick-up and drop-off refrigerated deliveries in Dallas and throughout DFW, they get hit with those glorious frigid temperatures that keep your items refrigerated or frozen, whichever your delivery requires.

I took the liberty of asking our refrigerated food delivery DFW team their top foods to help cool us down in the summer months. And it’s a good list, gleaned from the experts in refrigerated deliveries and all things chilly:

1.       Chilled Watermelon. Nobody craves ambient watermelon. But an ice-cold bite of perfectly sweet summertime watermelon? Yes, please and thank you!

2.       Frozen fruit popsicles. We live in the age of healthy. As food delivery experts, we’ve noticed this trend over the past ten years. These days we deliver lots and lots of health foods. And we love it! Dallas/Fort Worth is on the health train, and it’s here to stay!

3.       Snow Cones. Yes, I just shared about us being on the healthy train. And the healthy train doesn’t mean we can’t still enjoy the sweet things of life! What says summertime better than a snow cone!? That perfectly shaved ice, sugary sweet syrup and *if you’re lucky* that cream some snow cone shops put on top… delicious!

4.       Slurpees. No cold treat list is complete without the king of them all: the Slurpee. The best. As a kid, this was my favorite outing on a Saturday morning in the summer. Load up in the car, get slurpee, brainfreeze thyself. Now, a parent myself, I take my kids on slurpee runs and delight in watching them put in every flavor known to man to make a quite disgusting conglomeration. My personal favorite? Coke with a small pump of the cherry. One sip of that and I’m 10 years old, hitting the slurpee store with my dad on a hot Texas summer day.

5.       Frozen Grapes. Don’t knock this frozen treat until you’ve tried it! Frozen grapes are delicious, refreshing, and super low calorie because it takes forever to actually eat just one! Win, win, win, I say!

Be sure you cool off this summer with fun summer treats. Don’t be afraid to be a kid again. And remember, we are experts in chilly treats because we are THE refrigerated food delivery experts in Dallas. Every temperature degree matters to us. Whatever your need – ambient, refrigerated, frozen or chilled, we are your trusted refrigerated delivery service in DFW.


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