DIY deliveries vs. outsourcing to expert Dallas courier services

Dallas Courier Service

Ah, DIY. Some people love it. Some people hate it. Some people think they’re great at it when in actuality… you know exactly what I’m talking about, right? You either have the knack for DIY or you don’t. And even if you have a knack for it, that doesn’t mean you should tackle the project. Sometimes, calling in the experts is the best way – for your sanity, for your time, for your guaranteed satisfaction.

The same goes for DIY deliveries. Sure, you can have someone in your organization do it themselves. Sure, they might get the delivery there… eventually. But there is a lot to consider when it comes to DIY deliveries. Allow me to set the stage with a personal anecdote:

I had just graduated college and was working for a Fortune 500 company as a contractor for a much smaller firm. I was a little guy, far far far down on the totem pole. Be that as it may, my time was still valuable and more importantly, BILLABLE. One fateful day, my boss came to me and said she needed something couriered to a close-by client just down 635.

***I had no clue what couriered meant | I was terrible at directions | This was all before GPS was a click away on the phone***

It stands as one of the most confusing few hours I have ever had in a car. My boss insisted on me DIYing the delivery. But I can guarantee finding a Dallas Courier service would have been infinitely better and cheaper!

 I was stressed out of my mind, furiously trying to locate the address without any help. I wasted so much time, so much energy and so much sanity on the hunt for that building. In the end, I returned to my boss, tail between my legs, embarrassed at my lacking sense of direction and delivery know-how.

Flash forward 20 years and I know something I didn’t know then: DIY is almost never the right answer when it comes to deliveries. Here’s why:

1.       You don’t save money. When you factor in gas, time wasted in the car, time wasted trying to find the best route, money wasted in lost working hours, DIY deliveries do nothing but burn money.

2.       You don’t save time. It isn’t faster to send an employee. It isn’t faster to just hop in your car and get it there. Trust me. I’ve seen it fail more times than not.

Here’s why you DO choose an expert Dallas courier service:

1.       It saves money in the long run. Our team at Eagle Express knows the city. We employ the most expert dispatchers who are constantly updating routes and finding the most efficient travel paths. And in case you’re wondering, Google can’t do it like we do!

2.       We can add on routes quickly. The goal in business is to always be increasing, yes? So if you start with one drop-off need, the goal is to have more and more and more. If you start your delivery journey off on the right foot with a trustworthy Dallas courier service like Eagle Express, you can quickly and easily add routes with the touch of a button. Easy apps, easy tracking, easy payments. A click of a button sure beats getting into your hot car, driving unfamiliar routes, getting out to drop-off the delivery, looking unprofessional at the drop-off when you are clearly DIYing instead of hiring the service out… you see what I’m talking about here?!

People, hear me loud and clear! DIY deliveries is not your long-term friend. It meets an immediate need and most of the time, not very well. Be wise. Outsource your deliveries to experts. Free up your time to do more of what you do by letting us, Eagle Express Dallas courier service, to do what we do!


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