Sit Back…Actually, Stand Up! And Let us Take Over Your Dallas Deliveries

This past year has changed everything for us, hasn’t it? A vast majority of folks have spent at least part of it sitting in their living room working from home. And when we say “sitting”, we mean actually sitting!


Did you know that since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, more folks have been complaining of aches and pains in their neck, shoulders, hips, and backs? This isn’t just a coincidence. The pandemic is ruining our bodies! That’s right. On top of our social lives and our beach abs, the pandemic is wreaking havoc on our posture, which is a telltale sign of something deeper going on.


If we had to pinpoint a primary cause of the pain in the neck that was this past year, it’s all the sitting we’ve been doing.


Sure, when we were working a regular 9-5 in our overly crowded office, we were not exactly on-the-go. But when it comes to movement, every little bit counts. (More on the Dallas deliveries and courier side of that truth of that later!) The trip to the water cooler (which, incidentally, will likely never return to the workplace), the walk to the copy machine, even the jaunt down a flight or two of stairs for our lunch break were all small movement we performed multiple times a day.


Until we started to stay put.


Since heading to work was out of the question, going outside wasn’t advised, and gyms were shuttered, we started to become complacent with a sedentary lifestyle. That’s saying a lot, considering 25% of us led sedentary lives before not leaving our home was “a thing”. In fact, in a study done several years ago, it was found that over 70% of adults spend over six hours a day sitting down.


Now, if we’re lucky to have a job, those working from home are sitting in awkward makeshift computer chairs or reclining on the couch. Those who don’t have a job are prone, searching the endless selection of Netflix films or crouched over their smart phones, neck bent, scrolling through Tik Tok videos of how to do magic tricks or dance to “Say So”.


What have we done to ourselves? The answer is- we’ve created quite the pain in the neck!




All that sitting down has physically shifted our pelvis, causing weakness in our hips, as they tilt away from a neutral (and desirable) position.  And if you think hip pain isn’t your chief complaint- maybe it’s ankle, knee, or back pain- you’re missing a key detail. The hips are the center of your body, and the origin of all that other pain you feel.


So, as your Dallas deliveries team, we implore you- stand up!


Normally, we’d tell you to sit down and let the professionals handle those residential, work from home deliveries to and from your fellow employees and the home office. But, since we’ve seen what damage can be done by that WFH posture, we’re going to advise you to stand up and let us take over your Dallas Deliveries.


As you’re working from the safety of your living room, Eagle Express can assist in taking some of the pain in the neck out of the work from home lifestyle. For starters, we can drop off and pick up corporate equipment including computers, copy machines, and other office items. We can also handle interoffice mail, which, nowadays, involves scheduled residential deliveries. Our team also transports proprietary items, such as prototypes, HR documents, and other items and paperwork that is confidential and exclusive to your organization.


So, folks, step aside (and maybe step outside)! The Eagle Express Dallas Courier Service team has your Dallas deliveries handled. We’ll work with you as you work from home, giving you some precious free time back to win back your pre-pandemic posture.


Stand tall! And give Eagle Express a call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at 214-351-5777.


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