Skip The Dangers of a DIY Delivery, Hire a DFW Express Courier

Eagle Express, DFW Express Courier

Texas’ own Chip and Joanna Gaines have led us all astray! Before you go sending us death threats, know this: we love a good fixer upper. But what the Waco couple has taught is us that it’s not so hard to DIY.


Sure, that might be true for your living room or lawn, but when it comes to your deliveries, DIY is never your best option. In fact, sometimes it’s a downright dangerous option. It’s always best to leave deliveries to a DFW express courier like Eagle Express.


Let’s explore the pitfalls of a DIY approach to deliveries.

DIY Deliveries Do Not Save You Money

Businesses have their own reasons for attempting DIY deliveries. One of the most common myths is that it will save you money. By foregoing a professional, your business does not have delivery fees.

Organizations tend to forget that no delivery is free.

When your employees make your deliveries, you still incur costs. Here are just a few to consider:


·      Truck or van rental

·      Mileage

·      Workers comp should your employee get in an accident

·      Tolls


Not all costs are monetary, either. The time your employees lose by leaving the office to pick, pack, and ship deliveries in Dallas Fort Worth is immense. According to a study done by University of California, Irvine, it takes 25 minutes to return to a task after a disruption. Not to mention, your employee is spending time driving, delivering, and perhaps sitting in rush hour.


To keep it short: DIY deliveries are costly.

DIY Deliveries are Inconsistent

Have you ever had a hefty to do list, only to show up at the office to discover 12 more fires that you have to put out before 5PM? Even on the best day, keeping an exact schedule is difficult, especially when you add tasks to your day like sending and receiving items.


Providing inconsistent delivery timeframes for your customers will at best frustrate them. At worst, it could cost you a client, or even cost someone their life if you’re in the medical field making healthcare deliveries! When you have dozens of other tasks as part of your core competencies, adding in DIY deliveries is cumbersome and further saturates your already busy schedule.


Instead, hiring a professional delivery service in DFW like Eagle Express Dallas couriers will take those tasks off your hands, while ensuring a consistent, on time delivery- every time. After all, on time deliveries is our job!


DIY Deliveries are Dangerous

If you’re still not convinced that taking deliveries into your own hands isn’t in your best interest, consider this: DIY deliveries can be downright dangerous. Depending on the type of product you’re transporting, you could be putting your employees in danger. Hazardous materials, oversized items, live viruses, even poisonous animals- those are all cargo that trained professionals are equipped to handle.


Oftentimes, transporting sensitive cargo requires a license and training. Failure to adhere to legal standards for privacy, handling, and temperature control could cost your organization a fine or even jail time! Don’t risk it. Leave your deliveries in the hands of trained professionals who are certified and experienced in delivering all types of cargo.


Don’t DIY Your Deliveries, Hire a DFW Express Courier

Just don’t. There’s a lot you can do, we’re sure of it. Maybe you’re even handy with a sledge hammer like our buddy Chip! But if you aren’t a certified, trained, licensed, and insured delivery driver in DFW, don’t transport your own deliveries across the city or state. The costs far outweigh the benefits.


Instead of doing it yourself, consider a partnership with the number one DFW express courier in the Metroplex- Eagle Express Dallas courier.


For nearly four decades, our team has safely and dependably transported everything from food deliveries to urgent medical specimens. We vet and train our drivers, so you can rest assured that your cargo is in great hands from start to finish.


If you need more information, though, you can always reach us 24/7 either on our website or by calling 214-351-5777.


DIY your garage, kitchen, or Sunday brunch, but don’t DIY your deliveries! Call Eagle Express Dallas Courier.


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