Things to Consider When Choosing A Dallas Courier Service

Courier Services Dallas

We live in a big wide world of options. At our fingertips, we can quickly search for just about anything we want or need, from the everyday to the off-the-wall. We can research products and services like no generation before us. We can read reviews from strangers across the globe on everything from bug spray to couches to dog washing services to rain boots to that one over-the-top cocktail complete with smoke and a big reveal.

In 2023, we have so much access to so much information, oftentimes, it can be overwhelming. It’s why many times, the word-of-mouth recommendation from a friend is best of all. We can research until the cows come home. Interestingly, our culture of over-researching can actually lead to decision paralysis. We look at all the angles, all the reviews, all the options and end up doing nothing with our research.

No more, I say! We shall be a generation of appropriate levels of research and then appropriate decision-making time frames!

And that’s where I come in – the decision-making. Sometimes in our research, we need to go to the experts and simply ask them. So here we go – I’m the expert in this, having worked in the courier and logistics industry for nearly 20 years. I’m giving you a one-stop show on what you should really care about when choosing a courier service in Dallas/Fort Worth:

1.       Do they have options? One size does not fit all. If you need a small package of documents delivered, you shouldn’t have to pay for a truck with a lift to get it done. If you need an item delivered by 5pm and it’s only noon, you shouldn’t have to rush It over. You should have options. Take Eagle Express couriers Dallas – we tailor our services to our clients’ unique needs. Delivery time frames (1 hour, 2 hour, 3 hour, 4 hour, super rush ASAP hot shot delivery), vehicle size needs, refrigerated or non-refrigerated – services should be matched to you not the other way around.

2.       Do they have longevity? Has the courier service been around or is a brand new pop-up? Pop-ups often price super low because they are trying to get their foot in the industry door. They are typically inexperienced. They are typically flying by the seat of their pants. Not at Eagle Express courier services. We are proud of our 40 years of service in DFW. We live here. We work here. We are invested here.

3.       Do they offer warehousing? Perhaps this seems like a strange thing to consider when you’re hiring a courier service. But it isn’t! I’ve found that when a courier service offers warehousing, it proves their depth and breadth of client services. Warehousing means they can serve you in a variety of capacities including storage and pick and pack to ship. Sure is nice to have as an option if you ever need it. Warehousing services reveal the roots of a logistics business, and at Eagle Express, our Dallas warehouse and logistics services rock!

4.       Do they answer their phone and email? You can learn a lot about a business by simply emailing, calling or doing both. Do they answer in a timely manner? Is there a real person taking phone calls or does it go to a machine? Is the service friendly? If any of these questions get met with a ‘no,’ you take a long hard look at whether you not you want that company handling your deliveries. Do you want them to be an extension of your brand? The answer, my friends, is a resounding no!

In your research for the best courier services in Dallas, be sure you check and double check my big 4. You’ll be sure glad you did.


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