Why Eagle Express is thankful today…

Same Day Delivery Service Dallas

Gratitude is a big part of our business. At Eagle Express courier service Dallas, who we are and how we conduct ourselves is a hallmark of our business model. We believe in honesty, kindness, hearts of service and care, gratitude for each client. With every delivery, we see an opportunity to be stand out, be different. We do what we say we will do, and we are deeply grateful that people choose us to handle their deliveries.

Isn’t that a beautiful thing? People CHOOSE us. If you have a same day delivery in Dallas need, you can hop online, peruse your options and make a decision. You decide. And you know why we get to decide? Because we are free.

Can we all just stop and look at that word? Free. And because I’m a wordsmith, I just had to share the definition:

Free /frē/   not under the control or in the power of another; able to act or be done as one wishes.

You see that? Able to do as one wishes. We aren’t told what to do, when to do it. We are free. And our freedom is made possible by men and women who protect and defend it… at times with their lives. That is what I am grateful for this 4th of July weekend.

I’m deeply thankful for my freedom. And that’s top-down here at Eagle Express courier service Dallas. Our team is brimming with gratitude for America. She’s a country like no other. She’s a place of refuge and stability, founded on the principles of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Where else do you find this kind of mentality in the world? Nowhere but in our great America.

We can’t take this country for granted. The lives of those who have died for our freedoms demand our gratitude. This very moment, as I sit typing away at a blog post, there are men and women stationed to protect my freedom of speech, my freedom of career choice, my freedom of where I spend my money, my freedom to learn. My freedom is defended, and this is never lost on me.

Take one look at Eagle Express’ logo, and you’ll see a nod to our great nation. Our logo colors were deliberately chosen: red and blue. Across the globe, red, white and blue is synonymous with the American dream of freedom. When I look at our logo, I see the shoulders of great men and women on which we stand. I see a bright future for my children and grandchildren. I see the red, white and blue waving beautifully for all to see.

Then, I see the Eagle Express eagle. He is flying deliberately, quickly, without hesitation. He can fly because of freedom. He can grow and progress and improve… because of a free country. Isn’t the eagle just magnificent? A bird of power, grace and aptly named ‘King of Birds.’

This 4th of July weekend, honor the men and women who have and will continue to defend us. Their sacrifice matters, their yes to our nation matters. On behalf of Eagle Express delivery service Dallas, we say thank you.


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