Avoid High Costs with a Well-Suited Dallas Food Transport Team

Eagle Express, Dallas Food Transport

Food distributors, restaurant suppliers, does your food transport team suit your needs?


The current social and economic times have created quite a shift in the food transportation and supply chain. It’s possible that your current delivery team just isn’t keeping up, anymore. As you know, Dallas food distribution is a vital and complicated task. With a vast service area and dozens of different and evolving local regulations to abide by, meeting the needs of your customers these days can be stressful.


We don’t want to add to that stress. But now might be a good time to reevaluate your current food transport plan. If you aren’t partnering with a food distribution team that is suited for your business, you’re sabotaging your success.


Here’s are just a few of the costs of an unsuited Dallas food transport team:


Fines and Reparations

Financial costs of partnering with an unsuited Dallas food transport team are some of the most obvious. Did you know in the city of Dallas, employees who fail to wear a cloth face mask can be fined $500? Whereas, in the city of Plano, no fines exist. If your food transport team isn’t up to snuff on all the different regulations, they’ll be fined. If you’re using your own employees to make these deliveries, the cost falls on the business as a whole.


There are also reparations to consider. If your food transport team doesn’t keep strict temperature control, is late with a delivery, or doesn’t keep food items secure, your customers will demand reparations. If the load contained half a million dollars’ worth of frozen seafood, you can imagine how costly those reparations can be.


Loss of Reputation

Financial costs can eventually be recovered, but a loss of reputation is lasting. Just check out Google Reviews! If your Dallas food transport team is unsuited for your current business, your customers will talk. It won’t be as nice as what you see on our customer testimonials.


See, your food distribution team is an extension of your business. Your customers don’t see the difference between a contracted delivery team and your employees. With the right delivery team, they won’t have to. Selecting a food transport company that’s high on responsibility and service means less disappointment and a solid reputation kept.


Wasted Food

Perhaps the worst byproduct of an unsuited food transport team in DFW is wasted food. Reports show that COVID-19 has caused stress on the food supply chain, but not in ways you might consider. Looking at store shelves, it might seem like there’s too little food, but the reality is, the food is there. It’s just not in the right places at the right time.

When we can’t properly move food, it results in food waste- which is a tragedy.


Dallas food transportation requires 24/7 availability to make on demand adjustments when changes occur during transport. If your delivery team isn’t suited for these types of changes, then they aren’t suited for your food distribution business.


Eagle Express is uniquely suited to serve food distributors and restaurant suppliers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Together, we can keep food on the table for our fellow North Texans.


We operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We hire the best and the brightest drivers, and train them to adhere to all federal and local standards regarding hygiene and best practices for food delivery. Our team is uniformed, masked, and still incredibly friendly, making a great impression on your clients.


An unsuited food transportation team will cost your business greatly. Don’t chance it. Go with the Dallas food transport team that has been serving the Metroplex successfully for nearly four decades. Eagle Express is on call 24/7. Find out more on our website or call us at 214-351-5777.


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