Return to the Mothership with Work from Home Deliveries

Eagle Express, Work from Home Deliveries

The world we live in is pretty foreign right now, isn’t it?


We’re all wearing masks; we stay away from one another; and communicate solely with technology. It’s almost…alien-like!


Unfortunately, the plot line we’re living through isn’t from a Science Fiction movie (though, you could argue if you’ve seen Contagion). It’s real life. Though, it’s left us all a little stumped at one point or another. This is especially true for large and small corporations who are trying to keep employees safe and their business afloat.


With over 50% of Americans abruptly transferring to a Work from Home style, businesses are left scrambling to figure out some of the most basic necessities for logistics operations- including communication between employees, transporting paperwork, and moving completed products to customers.


Good news coming at you: Eagle Express is modifying our current delivery plans to assist businesses with remotely working employees. Sticking with the Sci-Fi motif, Eagle Express is here to help your employees, paperwork, and product fulfillment return to the mothership.


When you consider the idea of inviting a third party logistics partner into your COVID-19 business operations, you might be asking yourself one or more of the following questions:


·      Is hiring a professional really necessary?

·      How can I limit my contact with the delivery team?

·      What are the different options for Work from Home deliveries?


Let’s explore those questions as they relate to business and commercial deliveries during COVID.


Is hiring a professional necessary for my business’s Work from Home deliveries?


If we only had one word to answer, it would be this: yes.

In any great Sci-Fi apocalypse movie, there are always experts on hand to consult with regarding the pressing problems of the world. The same goes for your pressing logistics issues.


A professional delivery team will be licensed, bonded, and insured. That means your expensive, important, or sensitive cargo is in great hands. Professional couriers always train and plan for the best, but should an unforeseen incident occur, you can rest assured knowing your courier can make fast reparations or reimbursement.


Secondly, a professional delivery team can be trusted to adhere to all standards set by the CDC, FDA, OSHA, and other federal and local governing bodies to keep all cargo and all people safe before, during, and after transport. That kind of peace of mind is priceless, especially during such uncertain times.


How can I keep myself and my employees safe from contact with the delivery team?


The whole reason why you’re working from home during COVID-19 is to minimize unnecessary contact with other people. That includes the delivery team. Not to worry! While Eagle Express loves customer contact, these days, we’ve modified our delivery services. Whether we are picking items up from a residence or transporting from a warehouse, our couriers offer contactless delivery. Instead of a signature, we’ll send you photo proof of delivery, or drop it to a lock box, or any other instruction as set out by our customers.


If you do come face to face with our couriers, we won’t be wearing a spacesuits from Contact, but we will be suited up. To ensure you know who you’re doing business with, our drivers have a polo shirt with the Eagle Express logo. Our drivers’ faces and hands will be covered, and we’ll have sanitizing agents in the vehicle with us at all times to clean before and after each customer.


Can Eagle Express customize the options for Work from Home deliveries for my organization?


Our goal is to connect your employees and your customers to the mothership- the central organization. Whatever that looks like for your business, we’re ready. Whether that’s routine deliveries between residences, once-a-week shipments to a central office, or final mile deliveries to customers, the Eagle Express professionals can create a customized logistics solution for your Work from Home deliveries. One time urgent transportation, route deliveries, truckloads or just envelopes, Eagle Express has the vehicle, the driver, and the training to transport a variety of items.



These events are certainly unprecedented. Even if you’re a science fiction junkie, some of the current world situations can still throw you for a loop! With Eagle Express at the wheel of your DFW COVID-19 logistics, you have one less operation to worry about.


Our team of professionals can help reign in your scattered logistics and supply chain links, and bring you all back to the mothership; connecting your central organization.


Whether you need our couriers once for an urgent delivery or you require weekly routes between employees and customers who are working remotely, Eagle Express has you covered.


Contact us today to discuss how our couriers can best serve your business during COVID-19. Remember, quotes are always free, and getting started is as easy as calling 214-351-5777!



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