Major DFW Businesses Did a Work/Life 180, And We’re Here For It

Eagle Express, Work From Home Deliveries

Up until a few months ago, there was a trend going on in work/life balance in both large and small companies that incentivized employees to spend as much time as possible at the office. Organizations made the office seem even better than being at home.


Some companies offered a full kitchen, complete with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks.  Coffee and smoothie bars, a soda fountain, and other tasty treats were available to employees anytime. Other organizations provided on-site dry cleaning, childcare, and gyms. Some workplaces even offered quiet rooms where employees could catch some shut eye in the middle of the work day!


These perks blurred the line separating work from personal lives by making the  office a fun place to be, meeting the needs of employees on site, and keeping them loyal to the business.


Then Corona came, and the work/life balance did a total 180.


Now these same businesses are doing everything they can to keep employees away from the office. Now companies want their employees to work from home. This 180 degree work/life turn certainly is taking some getting used to.

But Eagle Express is here for the changes that are affecting DFW businesses. Our DFW couriers are making it easy to execute your organization’s logistics from remote locations.


Employees are working away from the central office that organizations worked so hard to make appealing. This causes delay in communication, slows down processes, and, not to mention, makes it near impossible to move everyday items such as supplies and paperwork between team members.


Eagle Express can help fill in the gaps your business has now that you’re working from home. Here are just a few of the ways:


Interoffice Deliveries

Many industries still require wet signature on everything from contracts to bank transfers. This type of signature might be mandated by the organization, or it might be the law. No matter the reason, moving items between employees who live on opposite sides of the Metroplex in order to obtain a wet signature can be time consuming and frustrating.


Eagle Express offers deliveries of sensitive documents or items between employees from their home offices. No need to worry about driving across town or washing your hands before knocking on your coworker’s door. Our couriers are trained, certified, and capable of moving your sensitive documents and other items with the utmost of care. Our drivers practice proper hygiene, are insured, and keep a professional appearance in uniform. We also offer contactless deliveries to protect the health of your employees.


Scheduled Routes Between Employees and the Central Office

Do you have daily, weekly, or biweekly deliveries that need to move from employees to a centralized location? Or do you have frequent deliveries that need to go from a central office to the residences of your employees as they work from home? Eagle Express can handle those routes on your behalf. Our trustworthy, dependable couriers will be there on time, every time, no matter how many stops along the route.


Urgent Deliveries to Clients

Here’s the truth: your customers don’t care if you’re working from home. They still want fast, friendly service from your organization. That might be hard to do when your team is scattered across the Metroplex, but Eagle Express can make it easier.


Our couriers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you serve your clients quickly, sometimes within the hour.  We also offer final mile transportation, getting your items directly into the hands of your customers, guaranteed.



Things have changed a little. Your office might still have a kitchen and couches, but, unfortunately, they’re your own kitchen and your couches are likely occupied by the tiny dictators who aren’t allowed to return to school just yet.


The work/life lines are still blurred, but now, instead of spending all your time at the office, you’re spending your time at home.


We’ll get through it, North Texas. Together we’ll navigate the new work/life balance.


Eagle Express is here to support you with a logistics plan that suits your remote employees, your central office, and your customers.

Let our experts assist in creating the perfect combination of services for your current business landscape.


Contact Eagle Express at 214.351.5777.


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