Eagle Express- Your Customer Centric Courier

For over 40 years, Eagle Express has faithfully served the Dallas Fort Worth Metroplex, as well as organizations throughout the United States. Since our inception in 1982, we’ve worked to build a customer base that has become a family. Many of the clients we started out serving are still a part of the Eagle family today.


Eagle Express is the customer-centric courier Dallas Fort Worth needs.


These days, we’re increasingly impersonal. Call it a side effect of the “social distancing” of the pandemic, or just call it a change in culture, we don’t commune with one another nearly as often as we should. The same goes for businesses. The one-size-fits-all approach pervades the service industry. Good luck getting a real person on the phone anymore! America has outsourced jobs to call centers and even robots. (Hello, self checkout!)


At Eagle Express, we’re committed to making our customers our priority.We believe this personalization is what sets us apart as the #1 courier in Dallas Fort Worth. Consider the ways we’re keeping customers first, as your customer-centric courier in Dallas.


Unique Needs of Dallas

We live in a unique city. It’s actually more than one city! It’s a sprawling Metroplex with over 9,200 square miles of space and a population of 7.6 million people. Imagine trying to cover that amount of space and serve that number of people! Eagle Express does it every day, and with a nearly 100% on time rate, to boot!

Eagle Express knows the unique needs of Dallas Fort Worth customers. We work to make logistics work for all of those unique needs.


Dozens of Industries

We’re not just known for our fantastic sports teams (ok, that’s questionable, but they are loved), or our technology, manufacturing, or our agriculture. Dallas Fort Worth is known for so many things, with businesses spanning dozens of industries. Form pharmaceuticals to food, tech to tractor parts, the Metroplex is home to a variety of organizations, and Eagle Express has logistics plans for all of them. We offer temperature control, added security, same day delivery, and route transportation. No matter the cargo, Eagle Express will carry it with security and care.


24/7 Service and Availability

Remaining customer-centric means remaining available to our customers, any time they need us. Eagle Express doesn’t outsource our phone calls when the weekend hits. We answer our phones 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have an immediate delivery need, call 214-351-5777, and you’ll get a member of our logistics team who can move your items in as little as 45 minutes. Need to make changes to an existing delivery? We’re here for that, too. We remain in contact with our drivers from pick up to drop off. If we can accommodate your changes, we’ll do so.


No One-Size-Fits-All

Last, but not least, we’re keeping customers first by keeping our services customizable. We’d never hand a client a list of services and require them to make their selection from a menu. Instead, we listen to your needs, evaluate them, and curate a logistics plan that suits them perfectly. With a Metroplex this sprawling, industries this vast, and this many clients to serve, a one-size-fits-all approach just won’t do.


Customers come first at Eagle Express!


We love to serve, and our clients are happy to tell others about their experiences. See what our past clients have to say. Have you had a fantastic experience with Eagle Express? Is there something you think we can improve? We’d love to hear about it! Drop us a line, or submit a Google Review. Feedback from our customers is an important part of growth.


The Eagle Express team is ready to make you our next happy customer. Call us today, or find our free quote request here.


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