Super Spooky: Buyer Beware of Bad Courier Services

Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat! If you don’t, I don’t care…

I’ll let you go ahead and finish that old childhood Halloween rhyme! Surely it has you smiling just as it did me?! My how I remember the days of dressing up in my costume, pillow case ready to be filled with candy, voice primed and ready to sweetly say “trick or treat!” There was nothing quite like coming home with enough candy to last me all year long!

Most of my Halloween memories are filled with delightful fall weather. It seems that North Texas children tonight will be quite chilly – bundling up in these low Texas temps.

Local Dallas Delivery Services

With the cold temps, ghosts and jack-o-lanterns adorning neighborhood front yards, I’m thinking about all things SPOOKY. Sure, haunted houses are spooky, dimly lit streets are spooky, scary yard décor is spooky… but you know what is SUPER SPOOKY??

Survey says: bad courier services!!

It’s the truth, I’m telling you straight. I’ve seen people get spooked by awful experiences with unqualified, uncaring and unable to deliver courier companies. On this Halloween, I’m giving you the top 5 things that might spook you:

1.       Too good to be true prices. The old adage is certainly true: you get what you pay for. If it’s too good to be true… then it’s too good to be true!! Here’s the deal. A great Dallas courier service hires great couriers. Those couriers need to get paid or they will find someone else to work! If there is no money to pay the courier, you can bet they will be bad!

2.       Zero experience. Be careful with new businesses! At Eagle Express, we have been meeting Dallas courier needs for more than 40 years. Our longevity means we have seen it all and proven our value time and time again.

3.       A poorly done website. Folks, it is 2023. We are deep into the age of the internet. We are deep into the age of drones, FaceTime, Artificial Intelligence and self-driving cars. If a courier service in Dallas doesn’t have a great website that is user friendly… you should get SPOOKED!

4.       A courier service without an app. My, oh my. Technology is critical for logistics expertise. Not only should Dallas local courier services have quality websites, they should certainly have a quality app. Log-in should be simple. Job inputs should be completed with ease. And if a route is needed, staff should be quickly able to solve your specific logistics problem with a cost-effective, efficient solution.

5.       Be spooked by unfriendly people. If I had a dollar for every time someone was rude on a phone call, an email, an in-person meeting… I’d have lots of dollars! At Eagle Express local Dallas delivery service, we believe that friendliness goes a long way in keeping clients happy. Whether it is a phone call, a quote inquiry, a pick-up or a delivery drop-off, we train our team to lead with friendly service. If you pick a courier service that is far from friendly… be spooked!

Happy Halloween, friends! And here’s to my favorite trick-or-treat treat – the 100 Grand!


Eagle Express- Your Customer Centric Courier


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