Hey Dallas Businesses, Take the Challenge!

The New Year is all about challenging yourself, isn’t it? That’s why we set those New Year’s Resolutions. Some of us resolve to lose weight, work out more, or put down the digital devices. As we know, though, New Year’s Resolutions hardly ever stick. I mean, here we are at the end of January, and how many of us can actually say that we stuck to our goals to stay off Instagram and put down the cookies?

But Dallas Businesses, now is your chance! The hype of the New Year is over, but NOW is the perfect time to take the challenge.

As your partner in logistics and transportation throughout the Metroplex, the Eagle Express couriers challenge YOU, Dallas businesses, to take on THESE challenges for 2022:


We Challenge You To Buy Into Instant Gratification

It might be one of the downfalls of our present society, but when it comes to logistics processes, instant gratification is an important part of a successful delivery process. Buy into it. What this looks like for your organization is accurate inventory of your stored goods, real time tracking of your cargo en route, and up to the minute estimated arrival times. Knowing all this information, right when you want it, is part of the instant gratification your clients expect when it comes to logistics.


We Challenge You To Put Quality First

As you sort out your budget for 2022, it can be tempting to focus solely on the bottom line. Where can your business cut costs, save money, and turn profits? But we challenge you to consider quality in the New Year. As our team knows well, the cheapest option is hardly ever the best option. This is especially true with your deliveries and logistics in Dallas Fort Worth.


With dozens of couriers within a mile of your location, focusing on cost before quality can be an incredible mistake. Eagle Express prides ourselves on fair prices and exceptional customer service. We know the quality of the delivery you get with Eagle Express exceeds our competitors’ offerings. This year, out quality first. We believe you’ll find that quality logistics that moves deliveries on time with care is worth every penny.


We Challenge You to Reach New Markets

Think you don’t have what it takes to branch outside of your current client base? Think again! Reaching new markets is simplified with a third party logistics provider like Eagle Express. Whether you’re looking to enter into the Dallas Fort Worth market, or you want to move outside of DFW with out of town or out of state clients, Eagle has a logistics solution to help. We offer on site warehousing logistics, including real time inventory, pick and pack services, and last mile delivery.


We Challenge You To Get Back To The Basics

2022 is your organization’s year to get back to what you do best- whatever that is! After a wild two years, isn’t it time you focused on the heart of your business? By outsourcing your transportation and logistics process, including storing, shipping, and route deliveries, your people can put their efforts into your core competencies. After all, that’s why you’re there, isn’t it?


2020 was a challenge. 2021 was even more of a challenge. But we challenge you in 2022 to take your organization to the next level.  


Eagle Express is the Dallas logistics provider who can help your organization grow in the New Year. Our logistics experts have decades of experience serving clients in industries across the board. Whether you’re a small business in a niche service or a large organization with multiple locations around the region or around the country, Eagle Express has logistics solutions catered to your needs. Our team is on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist your organization with those challenging transportation and logistics tasks.


What Can You Expect from Every Eagle Express Delivery Service?


Resolve For the Best Customer Service in 2022