Dedicated Couriers Bring Change for the Better
Things are looking up, North Texans! I know we’re still dealing with record heat and flash flooding, but, I promise, it’s going to get better. Why not extend that sentiment to other areas? Even to your work life. As we head into the last quarter of 2022, how can your business change for the better?
A dedicated courier like Eagle Express can help your organization make changes for the better as we round out 2022.

Put Eagle Express Courier Service on Repeat
Some things are worth repeating. A catchy song, a showstopper meal, a great story, a beautiful destination. Repetition can bring joy. Repetition can bring clarity. Repetition can bring remembrance. Repetition can save you from redoing past mistakes. Repetition has a place.
Being that we are inching toward the halfway point of 2022, I figure one repetition is in order. No, it isn’t a catchy song (although, if you want to know my current favorite repeat, it’s Country Road by John Denver).
My June repetition is this: what to look for when you’re hunting for a courier service.

Hey Dallas Businesses, Take the Challenge!
Dallas Businesses, now is your chance! The hype of the New Year is over, but NOW is the perfect time to take the challenge.
As your partner in logistics and transportation throughout the Metroplex, the Eagle Express couriers challenge YOU, Dallas businesses, to take on THESE challenges for 2022.

Resolve For the Best Customer Service in 2022
One quarter of Americans make serious resolutions each New Year. (That number doesn’t include those who half-heartedly agree to put down the cookies in January!) But those of us who say we’ll commit to something rarely follow through. In fact, just 8% of folks who make resolutions will stick with them past March.
If you’re making professional resolutions this year, Eagle Express can help you stick with them. And if you’re resolving to provide the best customer service in 2022, you came to the right place.

Logistics in Dallas: Start to Finish
Here at Eagle Express Dallas Courier, we believe in top notch service and care of your time and temperature sensitive cargo from start to finish. When we say it, we mean it.

The Dallas Couriers Who’ve Put Customers First Since 1982
A customer-centric approach is a whole lot easier said than done. We know that firsthand. But our team knows the importance of maintaining a customer-first approach. In fact, it’s what’s kept us in business for nearly four decades. Take a look at a few ways the Eagle Express Dallas Courier team puts customers first.