The Proof is in the Pudding… Happy Same Day Courier Customers

Colloquial phrases get thrown around because in fact they are… colloquial. And just a moment ago, I used a colloquial phrase that was so fitting: “well, the proof is in the pudding!” Allow me to give some background.

Right before using the phrase, I got an email about our Dallas same day courier on-time rates. This is a frequent email for our team, as on time deliveries in Dallas and Fort Worth is literally the name of our game. In these emails, we get updated on our on-time percentages as well as any issues that our couriers or drivers have experienced.

Dallas Same Day Couriers

Week after week, our time rates hover in this range: 97.4%  to 98.4%. Yes, we are THAT detailed. Every percentage point matters to us. And we are constantly working to improve this number. We have daily late reports where we analyze any late deliveries. Then, we put processes in place to address any issues.

We also have a few other recurring emails. My favorite? The ongoing feedback from our customers. And this is when I always say out loud…


So what do I mean when I say the proof is in the pudding? Well, first, I actually took the time to look up the phrase itself, and I was happy to find that I was correct in my use of it. The phrase comes from 1605 (yes, it’s that old!!) when William Camden wrote “all the proof of a pudding is in the eating.” And I’d like to note that I picked a photo of 2023 which means chocolatey deliciousness. But… I’m fairly certain in Camden’s day that pudding was sausages or something like it?!

What William meant was… if you want to know if a pudding was cooked properly, you have to eat it. There’s no other way to indicate a pudding’s success or failure.

Well… the same goes for our Dallas same day couriers. You have to actually use our same day courier services in DFW in order to know if it’s as good as we say it is. It’s the same as tasting pudding to see if it was cooked properly. Try the service, see if it’s dead on with it’s description.

The proof IS in the pudding when it comes to Eagle Express deliveries Dallas. When you try us out, you’ll see. Check out just a few of our recent comments from satisfied customers:

“…it was a pleasure working with Ryan on these runs. He was super helpful, communicative, and made sure he did whatever to secure my needs were met. Looking forward to working with you guys in the future.”

“Thank you all for all you do in supporting us with our customers.”

“I just wanted to thank you for your guys doing such a great job yesterday on delivering my order! I’ll definitely be using you guys again!”

Ah, you see. The proof is in the reviews…!


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