Fresh Food Logistics in DFW is a True Craft

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Not everyone was made to do everything. If you don’t agree with that statement, try playing horse against LeBron James, or try swinging on uneven bars with Gabby Douglas watching.


No one is good at everything. But we’re all good at something. And something Eagle Express is good at is fresh food logistics in DFW.


In fact, we like to think of food distribution and logistics as our craft. We’ve been practicing that skill for nearly four decades now, which makes us pretty good at delivering just about any fresh or frozen food order.


If you’re reading this thinking, “I can deliver my own food.” Or “Food distribution can’t be that hard.”, we’re going to respectfully disagree.


Here’s why fresh food delivery in DFW is a true craft, and why you should let Eagle Express handle it for you:


Temperature Regulation in DFW Isn’t Easy

Regulating your own body temperature during Texas summers is difficult enough. Now try regulating the temperature of an entire six tons of frozen seafood. Temperature regulation isn’t easy, but it’s imperative.


In order to keep a stable temperature, or even multiple temperatures when you have a mixed load, couriers must have a maintained vehicle and technology to measure the temperature properly. Mechanical failure or user error can result in damaged goods or, worse, sick customers.


When Texas weather gets wild, which is nearly every day, you need a fresh food courier that can guarantee stable temperature control for the entirety of the journey.


Food Transportation Follows Rules and Regulations

The FDA guides and regulates food transportation here in America. The Food Safety Modernization Act outlines the proper methods to ensure safe food transport to prevent contamination. Is your business aware of these rules and regulations?


As a provider of food logistics in DFW, Eagle Express is properly trained to handle all types of food deliveries while adhering to federal and local standards.  We guarantee vehicles are properly sanitized, food is not cross contaminated while in our possession, and our drivers are trained in food safety.


This type of commitment can be time consuming and costly, but when it comes to the satisfaction and safety of our clients, it’s a price we’re willing to pay.


With Fresh Foods, Timing is Everything

Finding a transportation team that is available when your food needs to move can be tricky. Caterers require confectionaries to arrive at venues at a specific time. Restaurants might need urgent shipments of produce or fresh meat on a busy weekend. Convenience stores require daily or weekly route deliveries to their locations throughout the Metroplex.


The good news is that a 24/7 fresh food distributor can handle these schedules, and more. If your food courier is available any time of day or night, that means your scheduled and urgent deliveries can be handled by the same team. This brings consistency and longevity to your food logistics operations.


Transportation Professionals Can Improve Your Bottom Line

Finally- the point you’ve been waiting for. As Jerry Maguire would say, “Show me the money!” Hiring the right team for your fresh food logistics in DFW can improve your bottom line. As your food distribution partner, Eagle Express can ensure timely deliveries. That makes your customers happy, and it also ensures fresh products.


Not only that, transportation professionals like Eagle Express can streamline your fresh food logistics. Efficiency means less wasted time and less wasted money. Can you afford to pass up that opportunity for your fresh food logistics in DFW?



Your business has enough going on surviving the COVID 19 pandemic! Focus on your core competencies. Stay in your lane. Do what you do best and let Eagle Express do what we do best.


Our fresh food couriers have nearly four decades of experience transporting all types of items within and outside of North Texas. We are certain that, together, our subject matter experts and your business can create a logistics plan that is perfectly suited for your organization’s food logistics needs.


Call us any time of day or night. Quotes are always free, and top notch service is always standard. Find us on the web, or call us with urgent needs at 214-351-5777.


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